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change 1D array of data from one row to one column

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Hi all,


This may be a really simple questions, but im trying to take two 1D arrays of data, put them in to one array and have that array be 1 column so it looks neat in  a table.


THank you

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 9

This should be pretty easy to do. Simply run the two arrays into a "Build array" function, then right click the "Build Array" function and make sure there is a Check next to "Concatenate Arrays".


N.B. To put two arrays into a "Build array function" simply place the function and then drag to bottom edge down so that you have 2 wiring points.

Message 2 of 9

MY apolagy, I wrote this backwards haha.  I want the final result to be one row, by however many columns it is.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

A 1-D array doesn't have any direction.  It can be either a single row, or a single column.  It is all in whatever direction you decide to drag the control or indicator when you show multiple elements.

Message 4 of 9
Accepted by topic author Wolleee

You probably need to transpose the array, since the build array function will append as rows. This will give you colums as you wanted:



Creator of the BundleMagic plugin for LabVIEW!
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Message 5 of 9

I re-read your first question. You need to concatenate your two arrays into a 1-D array, then build this (somewhat artificially) into a 2-D array, and then transpose to get your row (the default) into a column. See this snippet:


format for table column.png

Creator of the BundleMagic plugin for LabVIEW!
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Message 6 of 9

None of that is correct.


A 1-D array is just that.  A single dimension.  It can either be horizontal (elements are columns), or vertical (elements are rows).  Whichever way you want to display it.


If you actually want a 2-D array, then say so.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 9

HI RavensFan: It was specified that this data would be displayed in a table, so it must be 2-D. Otherwise, you are right, you can stretch a 1-D array in a horizonal or vertical direction. 

Creator of the BundleMagic plugin for LabVIEW!
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 9

You're right.  I missed the word "table" in the original message.

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Message 9 of 9