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cRIO 9076 Time Sync

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If this is true :SNTP synchronization does a large correction of the date-time on boot. After boot, it adjusts the processor clock to account for drift.  The algorithm has an error tolerance but if you exceed that tolerance (i.e. if you are too far out of synch) it will stop trying to adjust the processor clock to synchronize. Calling the Set Date & Time VI typically causes the clock to move beyond the algorithm error tolerance. Is there an error tolerance on the large correction also? I am not able to get my system to sync on boot so if the controller resets, I lose my time. Is there a VI to query the sntp server during initialization and set the time there? 

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Message 1 of 5



This information is inaccurate and there is no tolerance level that cannot be exceeded.  The only thing that will cause the SNTP thread to terminate is if it fails in connecting to the SNTP server 5 or more times. I will update the KnowledgeBase with this information. 


Also, after following the instructions to set up the SNTP synchronization, the cRIO controller should implement the SNTP synchronization automatically.Therefore if you system disconnects, the cRIO should automatically resynchronize the the SNTP server. 


Julianne K
Systems Engineer, Embedded Systems
Certified LabVIEW Architect, Certified LabVIEW Embedded Systems Developer
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 5

I must be doing something wrong then.


I have a PC and the crio in a mini switch which is connected to out network switch so they are both running through the same network gateway.


Our Time Server is the same machine as our DHCP server and the DHCP is providing an appropriate IP.


On the Web Based config page of the crio I am getting "Failed to Receive Response from SNTP server" at the 60 second polling interval.


I have installed NI-TimeSync 1.1.2 on the cRIO. Below is my ni-rt.ini


[SYSTEMSETTINGS] Comment=00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Comment_Format=512 Host_Name=ELO-VTShed Protect_Reboot=FALSE


[TIME SYNC] source.sntp.address= source.sntp.enable=TRUE source_priority=sntp;rtc; source.sntp.interval=60 source.sntp.port=123 source.sntp.verbose=True source.sntp.log=False

[LVRT] memoryChecking=False LABVIEWRTDir=/c/ni-rt/system CDIntervalTicks=55 WebServer.Enabled=FALSE RTTarget.VIPath=/c/ni-rt/startup RTTarget.IPAccess=+* RTEnetRcvMode=2 RTCPULoadMonitoringEnabled=True RTTarget.ApplicationPath=/c/ni-rt/system/startup.rtexe WebAppServer.Enabled=True StartupDlls=nisysrpc.out;NiRioRpc.out;nidp_target_end.out;taggerrt.out;niserial.out;NiViSrvr.out; PATH=/c/ni-rt/system/;/c/ni-rt/;

[MODULE VERSIONS] criosd.out=6.3 niriompc5125k.out=6.3 nivirio.out=6.3 niriosrv.out=6.3 niriorpc.out=6.3 NiFpga.out=6.3 NiFpgaLv.out=6.3 niriosae.out=6.3 nisysapi.out=6.3 nisysrpc.out=6.3 nirpcs.out=6.3 lvanlys.out=6.3 lvblas.out=6.3 goopsup.out=6.3 rendezvs.out=6.3 semaphor.out=6.3 nbfifo.out=6.3 settime.out=6.3 lvalarms.out=6.3 lvuste.out=6.3 nisvcloc.out=6.3 rtvarsup.out=6.3 lvrt.out=6.3 tsengine.out=6.3 ni_emb.out=6.3 vxfpsup.out=6.3 nirtdm.out=6.3 nipci.out=6.3 libexpat.out=6.3 registry.out=6.3 ftpserve.out=6.3 crio_ce.out=6.3 NiViEnet.out=6.3 NiEnAsrl.out=6.3 NiViRpc.out=6.3 NiViSrvr.out=6.3 niserial.out=6.3 taggerrt.out=6.3 TgrDD.out=6.3 bb_lib.out=6.3 crio_expert.out=6.3 nNIBlueBus_nCrioFixed_nRefnum.out=6.3 lvpidtkt.out=6.3 NiViUsbj.out=6.3 nitaglv.out=6.3 mxssvr.out=6.3 mxsdb.out=6.3 mxsutils.out=6.3 mxsdd.out=6.3 mxsin.out=6.3 mxs.out=6.3 nilvce.out=6.3 lvceconfig_handler.out=6.3 nilvicv_deployhandler.out=6.3 nilvicv_runtime.out=6.3 niScanEngineConfigIntf.out=6.3 nidp_target_end.out=6.3 nidp_host_end.out=6.3 dmRIOBus.out=6.3 NiViSv32.out=6.3 NiViAsrl.out=6.3 visa32.out=6.3 NiViSys.out=6.3 nisysapisvc.out=6.3 niSysNetCfg.out=6.3 niDiscSvc.out=6.3 niDiscExp.out=6.3 ws_runtime.out=6.3 nilwpce.out=6.3 logosrt.out=6.3 nilxtcor.out=6.3 nipspxts.out=6.3 ni_traceengine.out=6.3 nigmp.out=6.3


[STARTUP] MainExe=/c/ni-rt/system/lvrt.out DisplayStartupLibProgress=TRUE EarlyStartupLibraries=nirtdm.out;nimdnsResponder.out;vxfpsup.out;tsengine.out;nisvcloc.out;RTWebServer.out;niDiscSvc.out;mxssvr.out;

[MDNSRESPONDER] mDNSDisableAnnouncement=0 mDNSDisableDiscovery=0

[DEPENDENCIES] lvrt.out=ni_emb.out;libexpat.out;niCPULib.out;libappweb.out;libappweb.out; crio_ce.out=bb_lib.out;nilvce.out; NiViRpc.out=nirpcs.out; NiViSrvr.out=nirpcs.out; ni_httpClient_nossl.out=nigmp.out; taggerrt.out=logosrt.out;mxssvr.out; bb_lib.out=NiRioSrv.out;libexpat.out;nilvce.out; crio_expert.out=NiRioSrv.out;bb_lib.out; nitaglv.out=logosrt.out; mxs.out=mxsutils.out; mxssvr.out=nirpcs.out;mxsutils.out;mxsdb.out;mxsdd.out;mxsin.out; criosd.out=niriosrv.out; niriompc5125k.out=niriosrv.out; nilvicv_deployhandler.out=nilvicv_runtime.out; nilvicv_runtime.out=logosrt.out;nilvce.out;libexpat.out;nilwpce.out; lvceconfig_handler.out=nilvicv_runtime.out; niScanEngineConfigIntf.out=nidp_host_end.out;nilvicv_runtime.out; nidp_target_end.out=libexpat.out;logosrt.out; nidp_host_end.out=libexpat.out;logosrt.out; dmRIOBus.out=bb_lib.out; visa32.out=NiViSv32.out; NiViSys.out=nisysapi.out;visa32.out; NiFpga.out=niriosrv.out; NiRioSrv.out=libexpat.out;nirpcs.out;lvrt.out; NiRioRpc.out=NiRioSrv.out;nisvcloc.out; NiViRio.out=NiRioSrv.out; niriosae.out=nisysapi.out;niriosrv.out; NiFpgaLv.out=NiFpga.out; nisysapisvc.out=nisysrpc.out;nisysapi.out;nimdnsResponder.out;ws_runtime.out; niSysNetCfg.out=nisysapi.out; nisysrpc.out=nirpcs.out;nisysapi.out; niDiscExp.out=nisysapi.out;nimdnsResponder.out;niDiscSvc.out; niDiscSvc.out=nimdnsResponder.out; ws_runtime.out=nilwpce.out; RTWebServer.out=libappweb.out; libniauthModule.out=nigmp.out; nilwpce.out=logosrt.out; niauth.out=nigmp.out; nipci.out=nirtdm.out;

[NVE] MessageQueueUpperBound=1000000

[NIDP_HANDLER_LOAD_ORDER] nilvicv_deployhandler.out=crio_expert.out; lvceconfig_handler.out=nilvicv_deployhandler.out;

[LOGOSXT] Heartbeat_AbsenceDetectCount=10


Any ideas? Thanx


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Message 3 of 5
Accepted by topic author punkmonkey

so for whatever reason I can get it to work with NIST but not our servers. So I'm back to dealing with our Network Admin again. Thanx for the help.

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Message 4 of 5

I'm going through this right now with our Network Admin. Here is what I have found out:


-cRIO expects RFC-2030 as its SNTP protocol. it is NOT compatible with RFC-4330

-By default windows time server is for NTP (not SNTP)

-I'm in the process of determining what RFC protocol the Windows time server is using

-I sucessfully setup a local RFC-2030 SNTP timer server using this software and have the cRIO sync to it:


LV 6.1 to 2015 SP1
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Message 5 of 5