I am fairly new to labview and programing.
My goal is to acquire retinal potentials, The signal I obtain is accompanied with noise and is in micro volt range, my goal is to average out the noise so that I can analyze the actual (signal without noise) signal.
The incoming analog signal is continious, but I need an alternating 25 second time window to be averaged, which means: average signals from 0-25 sec. do not average from 26-50 seconds, average from 50-75 seconds and so on...
To beign with I started out obtaining a signal from a function generator and averaging the complete signal and displaying the averaged signal on a second waveform graph. Though the VI doesnt show any errors I wanted to know if I'm in the right path??
If yes, then How do I go about averaging the data at 25 second multiples (for 25 seconds from the start point)???
I have also attached a flow diagram of what I'm expecting to see