10-09-2014 09:58 PM
I never used usb 6008 but I can tell you that also you need to understand the data which is sent from GPS, I am sure you also need to understand the logitude,latitude and other stuff calculation needed to perform on the GPS data becasue you need to make all the GPS parameter to user . Once you got that, you need driver for DAQ then acquisition is simple.
10-09-2014 09:59 PM
I never used usb 6008 but I can tell you that also you need to understand the data which is sent from GPS, I am sure you also need to understand the logitude,latitude and other stuff calculation needed to perform on the GPS data becasue you need to make all the GPS parameter to user . Once you got that, you need driver for DAQ then acquisition is simple.
10-09-2014 10:06 PM
10-10-2014 01:07 AM
Seems like a bit much for two weeks. Sheesh.
10-10-2014 02:34 AM
If he knows. its very less work. Nothing much just acquisition and display
10-10-2014 03:54 AM
it is a 3D accelerometer, and am using a TK103 gps moddle, labview software, USB 6008 and a 5V potientiometer...
10-10-2014 04:53 AM
The TK103 is going to be difficult to use as it only sends location data out via its built in modem, it doesn't have a way to send location data out via serial/ USB which would be far easier to integrate with your laptop. Whilst it is possible to get Labview to send a message to the TK103 and parse the response via GSM/ SMS there will be delays in send/ receive so it certainly won't log true position with good accuracy, your laptop would also require a modem via mobile phone connected in order to use the TK103.
What is the 5V potentiameter measuring?
- Mike