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a problem with pressure wave graph in my block diagram

now iam using a pressure transducer of ( keller M5 SERIES ) to measure dynamic pressure in my project and i need to plot the pressure history of my wave so iam sending the signal to an arduino uno and then to my lap top to visualize it using labview iam attaching my block diagram which make the wave appear on chart for a certain interval but i need to record the pressure wave since the start to the end of the operation but i cant wiring the wave form graph elemen always there is an error telling me that iam connecting two different types components so i will appreciate if any one could help me , iam using VISA  

thanks in advance 

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Message 1 of 6

We need to "see the code", not a picture.  Please attach your actual VI -- this will let us examine it closely, make some changes, neaten it up so we can figure it out, see things that don't show up in a picture (like the other Case statements), and even execute pieces of the code.


It would be helpful to have a better idea of the signal you are trying to record.  You mentioned the transducer, and we know that an Arduino is in the mix somewhere, but you don't say anything about the nature of the signal (I presume it is a voltage being sampled at some data rate, you don't tell us what that is).


It is difficult to tell from your post where the problem lies, or its nature.  I'm going to guess that the problem is what to do with the data once you get it from Arduino -- if this is the case, a technique that often helps debug your code is to use Diagram Disable to surround you "data production" code (the stuff getting data from Arduino) and in the "enabled" side, put a For Loop with a Wait (ms) (to simulate the data sampling rate) that generates random numbers as your "simulated pressure".  Run this through your processing loop and see if it works.


I'm not even going to bother looking at the picture you attached (since it will only make me want to start shouting "No Pictures, Attach Code!"), but if you reply with an attached VI, I'll take a look ...


Bob Schor

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Message 2 of 6
The signal is an analog voltage signal from my sensor the arduino is just take the signal and send it to lab view
My problem that the chart is not enough for me I need also a graph for the wave and I cant put this element in the block without an error
I understand you and I will try to upload the code
I hope iam clarifying it little bit more
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

A chart has an internal buffer so you can feed one point at a time to a chart. A graph requires that all the points be connected simultaneously, usually in the form of an array or waveform. Since you do not have an array of points, that may be why you are getting the two data types error.  One way to get an array is to wire the numeric output through the border of the loop.  Set the tunnel to "autoindexing" and the result will be an array.


Note that with the 500 ms delay you will only receive 2 data points per second.  If your pressure changes faster than one cycle per second, you will not get valid data due to the Nyquist criterion.



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6
I tried this process once and it gave me the same error but I will try it again and see if I made some thing wrong thanks my friend
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

Very odd that you are reading the property node of data bits, which is probably 8 by default, then using that value to read a number of bytes.

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Message 6 of 6