10-02-2023 08:48 AM
This is only somewhat tangentially LabVIEW related…
I have been testing some Zaber translation stages using their LabVIEW library. Zaber (apparently recently) added some commands to their command set for running sequences “streams” of positions and position velocity time (PVT) profiles with their controllers. The LabVIEW library has not been updated to support these new commands. I wrote VIs to extend their library to support these new features, and the code is functional. However, I have not used PVT motion control before. I need to determine the velocity at each point. My initial plan is to spline the slopes of the trajectory and use this for the V. If anyone has a recipe for implementing PVT or a link to a good tutorial it would be appreciated.
Solved! Go to Solution.
10-02-2023 09:33 PM
Hi jjohn1,
If you recall from physics class (and maybe calculus), velocity is the derivative of acceleration, and position is the derivative of velocity. Therefore, you can calculate velocity and position curves for any move, based on the acceleration and initial conditions. Remember this math problem? Given acceleration of gravity is -9.8 m/s2, if you throw a baseball directly upwards with initial velocity 'v', solve for ball's position and velocity as a function of time.
Typically within a motion controller, these calculations are done on the hardware with a "trajectory generator." This is just a fancy word for deriving the position and velocity curves, given the parameters of a move. NI used to have this functionality on their motion controllers (now discontinued.) Later they moved the trajectory generator into a software package called NI SoftMotion (which is also discontinued, ha!) The idea was that you could use the NI trajectory generator for calculations, and then control PVT profiles with whatever motor hardware you have (such as Zaber, Thorlabs, etc.)
Long story short, to answer your question, you need to write your own PVT solver. If that sounds like overkill, just try solving for a trapezoidal velocity profile. (See pic, more info here: https://www.amci.com/industrial-automation-resources/plc-automation-tutorials/how-size-motor/.) Velocity increases linearly, reaches cruising velocity, then decreases linearly to 0. Not hard to generate with a LabVIEW while loop. Then you feed these velocities to Zaber.
For simple movements, doing software-based calculations for velocity might be adequate. But when you have many moves combined, stop-and-go, interpolation, etc., you might need a hardware-based motion controller to do calculations in real-time. (Shameless self-plug, my company sells hardware-based motion controllers for LabVIEW.)
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10-03-2023 04:24 PM
Hi Johns,
On the trapezoidal motion, the basic movement commands handle the trajectory with the acceleration/deceleration/peak speed inputs as you mention; the PVT command set is not needed for this. Additionally. the 'stream' command set on Zaber's controllers can handle similar trapezoidal trajectory for multi-axis lines. The PVT is useful for either: a) when matching a specific timing is critical, or b) when you want to generate a smooth spline motion from minimal points.
John's point on having to write your own PVT solver is correct though. The Zaber API does allow a method of only specifying PT info (and auto-generating the V's).
Note that Zaber's 'Launcher' software does now include a tool for viewing PVT path's (viewing both as position/velocity/acceleration vs time or as a 2D path) if you want to visualize the path before running it with LabVIEW.
The note on the PVT feature missing from the LabVIEW library is noted and passed on to the Zaber Software Development team.
10-04-2023 09:21 AM
Thanks for the response.
You state:
The Zaber API does allow a method of only specifying PT info (and auto-generating the V's).
I could not find any reference to this feature in the ASCII Protocol document. Is this only available through the API? This is the solution I am looking for.
More missing LabVIEW VIs
The “scope” commands for live position measurements are also missing from the LabVIEW library. I wrote a set of VIs to use this feature. As a note: Using the Zaber command/response VIs, data transfers were extremely slow, and I had to increase the VISA buffer size to avoid overruns. Data transfers took over a minute for the largest allowed data set. I skipped the command/response VIs and used VISA reads and writes directly, and the transfers were ~10 seconds.
10-04-2023 12:57 PM - edited 10-04-2023 01:44 PM
Hi John,
Correct on the velocity generation being an API only feature. The math makes more sense to do on the software side than in the firmware.
The auto-generated velocities use the 'Finite Difference method'. I've attached a quick example VI of applying this to position and time arrays to create a PVT array. Here are some photos of the block diagram:
Hopefully this helps as a starting place.
EDIT: Sorry, please note that the time array in the example shows seconds between points, but the formula used assumes absolute times and positions (it takes the difference between t(i) - t(i-1) and t(i+1) - t (i) as the divisors). If you wanted to use time intervals, you would just use t(i-1) and t(i) as the divisors.
Thanks for the notes on the scope as well. I'll pass these on for consideration for future development/optimization.
10-11-2023 08:55 AM
I used your suggested finite difference method to generate the velocities. It is working so far.
Thanks for the input!
09-13-2024 06:45 AM
Hi Jonhs,
I am encountering a similar issue, where I need to retreive position data of my linear stage with a high frequency.
Could you share how you used the scope function in your VIs ? It would be extremely helpfull !
Thank you in advance,
09-16-2024 08:38 AM
I wrote a fairly complete set of Vis for using the scope mode on the Zaber stage controllers but I cannot share them.
I will try to give some guidance on developing your own.
The scope acquisition runs independent of any stage motion. The sequence of actions I used for scope mode is:
Clear scope
Configure scope acquisition (start delay, parameters to be logged, sample interval, number of samples)
Start scope acquisition
{execute motions that are to be monitored}
Stop scope
Download the scope data buffer
Decode the scope data
The Zaber code has some general Vis for configuring various controller settings.
I started by making a copy of one of these and replacing the command string with scope command strings (and sometimes data values) for the various scope commands. Internally, the VIs used the “send command.vi” to send commands.
I think downloading scope data was similar to downloading sequence buffer data.
Some notes.
The manual states that the controller can log position, velocity, and acceleration data. The buffer has a fixed maximum size that is shared by the selected parameters to be logged so if you select, e.g., more than one parameter to be logged, the recording time is reduced.
The scope mode always returned a constant acceleration, so I stopped logging it and got acceleration from the derivative of velocity.
Buffer download times were extraordinarily slow (~ 10 minutes I think). The common serial code that was used by the developer of the Zaber Vis uses “bytes at port” with a lot of possibly redundant operations. When I first looked at the VIs I was puzzled by this but figured there must be a reason and I did not want to break anything so I left it alone. But for the buffer download I replaced their code with VISA reads that end on a termination character. Transfer times were then on the order of a minute or so and it did not cause any problems in the single axis setup I was using.
I think there is a “wait for external trigger” command available for scope mode, but the stage I was using had an onboard controller which does not have a trigger input, so I just used pc system time for a rough time hack.