Rather than simply present an answer from which you will learn little, I will try and out line what it is that you should investigate......
First have a look at a string control
You might want a button and a case structure to tell the code when to start decoding the string
Put the following code inside the case structure say on the true state
Then, taking data from this string control get the strings length
Then using this and a loop index through the string using the string subset VI on the string pallette, use the length of 1 and index the position in the loop
Now figure out how to convert the character to an ASCII value
Send this to the parallel port
This should be a reasonable frame work to empower you to learn for yourself.
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for life", enjoy the free meals!
Message Edité par Conseils le 07-13-2006 09:17 PM