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Write on chart while dispalying data at runtime

i think i was crystal clear

i want to put text or even numbers instead of the line mark, so that i can remember my markings

you didn't even bother looking at my VI, because if you did looked you will know that i enen annonations wont work because it's locked to screen view can't move with signal


if you are that busy to help, then please pass me to one who at least care to look

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 26

Hi Fox,


i think i was crystal clear

I think I was clear too: when you want to have arbitrary annotations with a plot you need to use a graph.


you didn't even bother looking at my VI,

I tried, but you are using the very latest LabVIEW version only available for two weeks. I didn't have the time nor the "playground computer" to install it. But if you would mind to convert your VI for older LV versions (I prefer LV2014) I will surely examine it…


you will know that i enen annonations wont work because it's locked to screen view can't move with signal

What's your problem to move those annotations the same way you update the plots when your user moves your x scrollbar?


General answer: As LabVIEW is a programming language you can program anything you like to!

General answer 2: Did you note the alternative solutions I suggested before?

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 12 of 26

Here is VI saved for LV2014


You will see that when i press "mark" button it draw a second line that moves with signal

i want to replace that line with text when i press the button


Did you note the alternative solutions

yes i did, but i can't use transparent picture indicator because i need multi indicators on multi intervals, "which must move with signal, not stand still"

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 26

Hi Fox,


You will see that when i press "mark" button it draw a second line that moves with signal

Now I see what you are talking about.

You just include a second 3rd plot switching between 0 and 1.


- If you would set this plot to "stepwise interpolation" in its properties those markers would look better.

- You can also replace the 0 by NaN to not have a line at 0 all the time …

- I advise not to use the DDT and ExpressVIs for basic tasks like this. It just obfuscates the code…


i want to replace that line with text when i press the button

This requests forces me to say (again): use a graph when you want to have annotiations!

A chart is limited to just displaying plots and (basically) nothing else.

With a graph you get cursors, annotations, front/middle/background images! (You can replace the transparent image indicator suggested before by using the front image.)


i need multi indicators on multi intervals, "which must move with signal, not stand still"

When you need your annotations to move you need to move them. Easy as it sounds…

You could even use cursors to replace this 3rd plot you use right now! (Cursors also support different colors, cross and line styles…)

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
0 Kudos
Message 14 of 26

This requests forces me to say (again): use a graph


Yes, i want to use graph (and keep my history with x scroll bar), i'm searching for days on internet and examples for that, when i use graph i loose my x buffer (no x scroll bar), i hated graphs for that


how can i replace that chart with a graph that keeps my buffer and scroll bar history?

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 26

Hi Fox,


how can i replace that chart with a graph that keeps my buffer and scroll bar history?

A graph has no own data buffers, you need to keep your own history buffer. There are example VIs in the example finder, which show you how to achieve that.

A graph also has a x axis scroll bar, you only need to make it visible…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 16 of 26

ok, care to name me one example which do that? i did searched again now and found .. nothing

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 26

Hi Fox,


right now I'm using LV2011 (German version). When opening the example finder I go this route:

1. Creating user interfaces

2. Display of data

3. Graphs and charts

4. "XY Graph" with description "this VI shows a XY graph simulating a XY chart"…

(The items are translated by me, so the real English labels can/will differ.)


There are a lot more example VIs in this part of the example tree…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
0 Kudos
Message 18 of 26

Nah, not included in lv2015, how the hell NI remove such important example? i did even searched the net


if you don't mind attach the example for me, that will be helpfull .. thanks

0 Kudos
Message 19 of 26

Hi Mr-FoX!,


You can find the example here

Message 20 of 26