In my project I write up to three SCPI commands via VISA out to a device. See attached VI. In a test it was two commands. The second is empty and skipped. After every send it waits 50 ms.
The same code as in the test VI is also embedded in my project. Running it standalone reveals a weird behavior:
1) When executing the VI over and over with the LabVIEW execute button, it will randomly throw a VISA timeout error out of the Read VI within 50 executions.
2) When executing the VI with auto-repeat for a while, the error wouldn't occur
3) When doing the same thing outside of LabVIEW (we have our own software with a small scripting feature) and sending the two commands in a 15 ms intervall it will never throw an error, so it's basically not caused by our device not responding.
We are clueless why the VISA error occurs and why LV has a different result depending on how you run the VI.