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Visa resource name not appearing, visible in NI-Max

I am trying to communicate with 2 devices. I can send commands to both these devices using the NI-Visa test panel and they both appear in NI-Max but I cannot find them in the visa resource name list. I have removed any filters that could effect this and tried to manually type in the resource name only to get an error. Any ideas on why it might not appear?


thank you.

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Message 1 of 5

Do a screen capture of what you do see when you click on the VISA Resource dropdown box.




0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

Here. I've already checked both the com's for the devices.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

I managed to solve it by switching from a GPIB connection to a USB connection. Still not sure why it didn't work with GPIB though

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Message 4 of 5

Taking a guess, I'd suggest checking the VISA class:

visa class.png

Your first image says "resources of this class", which makes me wonder if perhaps you had the wrong class selected.

To clarify, you should set this to whatever is the appropriate class for your connection (not necessarily GPIB BoardInterface, as shown here - this is only an example).

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Message 5 of 5