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Vector CANcaseXL message echo on the bus

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Hello everybody,


first of all many thanks at TroyK for offering the great working VIs.


I've a question depending the CANcaseXL interface, using CAN as bus type and the CANOpen protocol.

If I send e. g. a 601 SDO-Message read with the xlCanTransmit function, I receive with the xlReceive function the 601 SDO-Message and the related 581 SDO-Answer. That works fine, but I want to receive only the 581 SDO-Answer and not the original 601 Message anymore. With the xlCanSetChannelAcceptance and the xlCanAddAcceptanceRange it's only possible to fiter the SDO-Answers.


Is there a way to filter the Transmit messages?

Or am I wrong in using the filter functions?


Thanks for your help!

Best Regards,


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Accepted by topic author Joner

Hello again,


this could be done by switching off the receipts in the xlCanSetChannelMode-function (Tag for tx and txrq: 0).


Thanks to all


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