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Using LabVIEW 6.1 to Collect Data from FieldPoint Modules

I’m just starting off and am stumbling at the first hurdle. How to I collect data from fieldpoint in Lab View 6.1 (yes I no its old)

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Message 1 of 6
Basically, the process is very simple. You first define the channels you want to measure in either FieldPoint Explorer or MAX. Which tool you use depends on how old the drivers are that you are using. Originally there was a seperate program for configuring FP but they eventually rolled it into MAX.  In any case once you have the channels defined (and named) yu simply use the FP VIs to read the channels, refering to them by name.

One warning about the original FieldPoint: It is not an industrial product in any sense of the word. The system is very, very sensitive to heat, shock and vibration.


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Message 2 of 6
Welcome back, Mike.

I would agree that FP was problematic. Happily, the modules we still have didn't cause any real troubles in the last year or more.

How's your experience with the cFP? My impression was that it was much better.

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Message 3 of 6
I have not had the opportunity yet to implement something with cFP, but yes it is my impression that they are much more solidly built. For example, the cFP system has actually been tested for shock and vibration and you can get the specs of what it can withstand. I remember talking to an engineer in Texas about the original models and when I asked about shock and vibration testing all I got was a blank stare....


Certified Professional Instructor
Certified LabVIEW Architect
LabVIEW Champion

"... after all, He's not a tame lion..."

For help with grief and grieving.
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Message 4 of 6
Just to explain - we do have cFP in a couple of projects (both 20xx and 180x) and my impression so far was that they were better, but we haven't put them to any shock and vibration challenges. Two units are near a vibrating platform, but when you walk over to where they are located, you can't feel the vibration anymore. All of the units are stationary, with the only real danger being the environment heat.

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Message 5 of 6
Thanks for the help guys, I've can see live readings from the field point unit in field point explorer and max. But then it comes to pulling and reading from it in labview I'm still getting a black reading. I've attached the vi i've come up with. Any further help much appreciated
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Message 6 of 6