07-27-2006 12:47 PM
07-28-2006 03:23 PM
Good afternoon,
I apologize that you are experiencing this unusual error. We have no record of this exact error number, but the message ‘unable to unlock memory chunk’ has been seen before. Are you using DAQ? If so, this KB (http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websearch/E8E3AA97EA29D7D686256E9000698B3C?OpenDocument) discusses one known issue. Otherwise, the error has been seen in several other circumstances. Usually it’s a result of the code you are using containing a feature in LabVIEW that is not supported for the PDA module. In this case, regular debugging techniques should be used – basically just go through (after backing up your program) and delete elements until the error goes away. From that you should be able to determine what exact component of the program results in the error.
In any case, please let us know how it goes – we’re happy to help with any other questions you have along the way!
08-08-2006 08:33 AM
08-24-2006 11:29 AM
08-24-2006 02:34 PM