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Unable to locate labview run time engine

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Hi all,


I have a problem , while trying to run a simple labview software on a tablet computer.


My development computer is under win 7 64bit with labview 2010 sp1 10.0.1


My user computer is a win 7 32bit based tablet.


I have installed the labview runtime engine 32bit standard RTE 2011 sp1 but I'm getting the following : " unable to locate labview run time engine.... "


I have tried to install the 64bit standard RTE 2011 sp1 because one of the posts suggested it but the windows isn't allowing to install 64 bit applications....


Which version of Runtime should I install !?

Kobi Kalif
Software Engineer

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 10

You need same run time engine which installed on your development machine. i. e LV2010

Prabhakant Patil
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 10

Hi Prabhakant Patil ,


If i'm installing 2011 SP1 RTE it's not including support for older version ?

Kobi Kalif
Software Engineer

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 10
Accepted by topic author Kobi_K

You did not say, but I am assuming that you are running LabVIEW 2010 sp1 32bit to develop and build the application.


You can include the 2010 sp1 run time when you build the installer, or you can download (from here) and install it seperately.

(The run time version needs to match the development system, thus the 2011 run time will not work. Even the 2010 (non-SP1) might cause problems)

@kobi Kalif wrote:

I have tried to install the 64bit standard RTE 2011 sp1 because one of the posts suggested it but the windows isn't allowing to install 64 bit applications....

Can you tell me which post suggested to install a 64bit run time of the wrong version. That makes no sense! Please provide a link. 

(You can only install the 64bit run time on a 64bit OS, and it will only be suitable if the application was developed in 64bit LabVIEW of the same version.)


Message 4 of 10

Kobi Kalif wrote:

If i'm installing 2011 SP1 RTE it's not including support for older version ?

No, it is not.


(You can install several run time versions on the same computer, for example if you need support for applications from different LabVIEW versions.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 10

Solved the problem...


As you said installing the runtime for the specific dev labview.


Thank you all ! 🙂

Kobi Kalif
Software Engineer

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 10

hello frds,

i am also facing same problem ,I am very new for labview and i am designing powersupply and try to connect my device with usb .

my system is windows 7 (64 bits) and labview version is 12 (32 bits) i tried with both runtime engine eventhough I am facing same problem.

here I also attach my screen shot so you can easily identify my problem.

Pease help me .

Thanks in advance.


0 Kudos
Message 7 of 10

ya I solve this problem ..............thank you....................Smiley Very Happy

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 10

Hola que tal!!! Mi duda es como puedo visualizar un panel remoto en el navegador Mozilla y en el Chrome, las pruebas que e realizado funcionan bien en Internet Explorer, pero como puedo visualizar mi panel remoto en los otros navegadores?? que plugins necesito y donde los puedo descargar???

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 10

Hello, welcome to NI Forums.

It seems that your doubt has nothing to do with the original thread question. So, to keep the house in order, please open a new thread. You'll surely be helped there.

Anyway, take a look at this link: Publishing VIs and Stand-Alone Applications on the Web





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Message 10 of 10