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USB 6289 Digital Output to Function Generator

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Hi ppl. 🙂


I have a M series USB-6289 DAQ Board that I am using to interface with a Programmable Frequency Generator AD 5932 (hope this is not break any rulesSmiley Tongue)


In the datasheet of the AD5932

there is the serial interface  (FSYNC, SCLK, SDATA).


I am using LabVIEW to generate a digital output and using the 6289 board to send the signal to the ad5932.


The problem is this:

1) I'm a chemical engineer and new to LabVIEW and electronics 🙂

2) I don't quite understand how the digital signal and the FSYNC, SCLK, and SDATA are related....sorry for the very basic doubt....Smiley Sad


Hope this is not too much to ask but if anyone could suggest any tutorial or examples it would be EXTREMELLY appreciated...


Thank you for any input because I am really stuck at this point.



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Message 1 of 8
Anyone?...Smiley Indifferent
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Message 2 of 8

I don't see anything in that link that describes what the input signals are and the necessary logic/timing.


Can I ask why you are using an external chip to create a waveform when you have DAQ card that can create a waveform?

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Message 3 of 8

That's a good question, however, this is a joint venture between chemical and electronics engineers....and the hardware choice was theirs....


I' ll try to explain to the best of my knowledge:


1) The USB board is going to be used to generate and acquire digital signals....the ad5932 is going to use the input from the 6289 to generate a analog waveform.

2) The link is to a site that has a picture (schematics) of the ad5932, and i was told that the digital signal outputing using the 6289 is going to be introduced in the ad5932

using the serial interface (see picture in link above), more precisely in the sclk, sdata and fsync pins.


My doubt resides in that point....I can generate a digital signal with LabVIEW just by modifying some of the examples that come with LabVIEW 8.6

However, since electronics is not my field, I can't understand what the "sclk, sdata and fsync" represent in regard to the digital signal....


I am not asking for a vi with the solution....but I would appreciate some pointers or links towards getting more confortable with these matters...and hopefully find the solution myself.


I also understand this is a LabVIEW forum for programming and not a tutorial, but still I would be very thankfull for some tips or links.


With regards,



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Message 4 of 8
Accepted by topic author Rsilva
What you need to find is complete technical data sheet on the A/D. That will explain what each one of those pins is used for and the timing requirements. It looks like an SPI interface. NI sells the 8451 for programming this. You may or may not be able to use the 6289. I would recomend a search of 'SPI" to see if anyone has created a VI.
Message 5 of 8

Thanks Dennis Smiley Happy


SPI was really what I was looking for!!


It was some saga Smiley Very Happy


But that's really what I needed....sometimes it's just a case of the right term to search Smiley Tongue





Cheers, and Thanks again!!

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Message 6 of 8
Please mark Dennis' reply as the solution and not your own thank you message.  You can unmark your message by going to the options menu to the upper right of your message.
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Message 7 of 8

I appolgize. It was a lack of atention on my part.


I have corrected it.


Thanks again Dennis.


And Thank you Ravens Fan for pointing out my mistake.Smiley Wink


Cheers. Smiley Tongue

Message Edited by Rsilva on 04-19-2009 11:21 AM
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Message 8 of 8