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Temperature control at a fixed point



I am very new in Labview. I need to control temperature at a fixed point by Agilent 3436 series DC power source, and want to log the data using Agilent 34970 . 


I could see data and extract and average temperature using a Agilent 34970 Data recorder.


But I could not use PID controller from Average data to back to heater with PID tool kit.


I am attaching my data.


Could you pleas give me details that is helpful for us.




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Message 1 of 4

@Masuma wrote: 

I am attaching my data.


No, you did not attach anything useful, just an incomplete picture with broken code. Please attach the actual VI instead.


Who wrote this program? Lots of things seem quite odd. for example:

  • Where is the terminal for "array"? we can only see a local variable?
  • Why is "array 2" a 3D array? You only seem to use two dimensions.
  • Why is "array 2" terminal inside the FOR loop? Do you expect the value to change during the inner loop?
  • What's the purpose of the small inner while loop in the bottom right corner? Under what conditions does it either terminate or continue?
  • What determines the loop rates?
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Message 2 of 4



Actually I need measure  temperature and volatge of  cahmber. I used 5 thermocouple at six location.That is why I thought to use for loop inside the bigger while loop, so that the agilent 34970 data logger can measure the data of each channel one by one. Then I need to extract three  specific location data and average them .


Now My goal is to control the temperature at a fixed point coming out from the average of three value , so that the PID controller can  have that value and control the temperature according to tempearture. 


I have another goal , I need to change the temperature after every one hour, so that I used PID set point profile, so that the temperature can ramp after a certain amount of time ( 1hour). 


I only know about how to extract the data ( though I am not sure ) , the smaller while loop I thought : may be PID controller can get the set point and also the true actual value and keeps trying to reset the agilnet E3436A power source, But I am not sure actually How can I work with the PID toolkit. 


I am attaching my code . 


It would be very helpful for me , if you suggest me what should I do with PID and Agilnet power source.




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Message 3 of 4

To begin with you need a proper program architecture like a State machine, one big loop is never going to work, it's already becoming spaghetti code.


Don't use the HP/Agilent/Keysite 3497xA "EZ" vi's, learn how to properly configure the 34970 and use the scan function to scan all of your thermocouples at one time.



=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
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Message 4 of 4