07-30-2006 09:32 AM
07-31-2006 04:28 PM
08-01-2006 12:57 AM
08-01-2006 02:16 PM
08-01-2006 11:26 PM
I've been using plink the command line function to set up the PuTTY session:
plink -pw mypswd -L 4200: root@
meaning all traffic on the test station computer's 4200 port (can be any big port number you'd prefer) is forwarded to port 22 (the SSH port) on the server/host/uut, and visa versa. The password is included for convenience and since this is all within the test environment, security is not an issue.
Now the here's the problem, when I setup the Telnet client, (configured with address "localhost", port 4200) all that happens is the SSH server sends back the string "SSH-2 0-dropbear_0.47" and there are no further transactions. BTW, dropbear is the particular SSH server that the UUT is using. I get the same response whether I use the Internet Toolkit Telnet Client VI or the LabVIEW example TCP client. I've tried to configure a terminal app to communicate on the forwarded port, but so far haven't gotten that to work either.
08-27-2007 08:21 AM
08-27-2007 01:56 PM
The SSH/LabVIEW problem that I've had has not been resolved. The work around has been to use the Telnet server. In our application PuTTY works fine when manually sending commands via the SSH server, we just cannot automate the process with LabVIEW.
The only clue that I've picked up is that there might be some conflict between the dropbear SSH server and and the LabVIEW/PuTTY combination that doesn't show up with other SSH servers. If you can get assistance from the developers of the UUT software maybe they can help dechipher the dropbear server response to the LabVIEW strings to find out what is missing.
08-28-2007 01:14 AM
08-28-2007 10:48 AM
08-30-2007 10:53 AM