10-30-2012 09:49 PM
Im currently trying to interface my XBee modules with Labview. I have read the other posts on this subject and have not been able to link my XBee and Labview. I am very new to Labview and would be great to recieve more detailed and descriptive steps on this. Eventually I am going to connect Labview to an Arduino Fio, using two XBee. However for now all I need is successfull interface between labview and XBee. I need to send a signal, recieve it in labview, and send something back.
I am using USB explorer boards for connecting XBee's to my computer. I have alraedy configured XBee's using moltosenso network manager (same as XCTU). I cant get VISA wizard to see the USB port.
If anyone can explain thoroughly how to interface XBee to labview it would be great! thanks.
11-01-2012 09:03 AM
Hello Theguat,
Thanks for posting at NI forums! I’m linking some discussion forums and information on interfacing Xbee with LabVIEW.
Best Regards,
Alina M
Applications Engineering
National Instruments