05-14-2015 03:21 PM
Hello, I was trying to use my LabView with Arduino, but it just didnt wanted to work, after some analisis, I decided to try it in a virtual com port (Virtual COM2 connected with virtual COM3) using an example from internet to see if it is a LabView problem.
So, the example was just a high/low output selector with a switch, but it doesnt work the first seconds (Watch the video), and I dont know why. In this period, LabView is sending this (continusly):
"ff 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20" (Hex)
I can figure out taking a look at Arduino's Firmware that the 0xFF means "Im Labview" but the commands and the checksum are all wrong (?)
Finally, when the switch decides to start working, LabView stop sending to the comport. What am I doing wrong ? Thanks
This is the video: https://youtu.be/1l1VumYjYLI
And I will attach the .vi just in case you need it.
05-15-2015 10:30 AM
05-16-2015 08:37 AM
Sure, here they are.
Please, note that I made an error before, I didnt notice it until now, really sorry. What LabView is sending is NOT this : "0xFF 0x20 0x20 0x20 ... "
IS this: "0xFF 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00"
05-16-2015 09:20 AM
05-16-2015 12:45 PM
Sorry if Im wrong but what I can get from this example is that the value sent depends on the switch state, 1 or 0. The problem is that it always send a 0, no matter what the switch state is. This also happends with all the examples or programs I make
05-16-2015 01:12 PM
Ok, so I went deeper in the problem, I executed an example of a blinking led:
Using a probe, I can read that the function output changes between 1 and 0 each 500ms as expected, but Im getting this error:
Warning 1073676294 occurred at VISA Read in LabVIEW Interface for Arduino.lvlib:Send Receive.vi->LabVIEW Interface for Arduino.lvlib:Set Digital Pin Mode.vi->BlinkLED.vi Possible reason(s): VISA: (Hex 0x3FFF0006) The number of bytes transferred is equal to the requested input count. More data might be available.
TX and RX leds from the arduino are blinking each 500ms but the output of pin 5 is always low. I have googled the error, and all I could find was "Ignore it" or "you must the pin as output before". Any ideas? Thanks
05-16-2015 01:34 PM