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Shared Variables not deploying in executable

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The project I am working on involves LabVIEW 2017 and VBAI 2015. I am acquiring images from a line scan camera and taking multiple measurements of each image in vision builder. The results are then transferred to LV through system shared variables. I also have some initial conditions in vision builder that are changed (based on the product being manufactured) by LV which is also done using system shared variables. This whole process works on my development machine as intended. The problem occurs when I try to run the LV executable on the production machine. I get an error saying my shared variables .lvlib did not deploy. I made sure that NI Variable Engine was installed and running as well as all the other required services. I have other executables with no SV running on the production machine with no problems. I have followed the steps of making an executable with SV and looked into the error that I am getting which involves MAX being possibly corrupted. I have researched this error but still don't quite understand.


The production machine has Windows 7, VBAI 2015 and LV 2013 on it. I am working with LV 2017 on my development machine so I do not know if LV 2013 might be causing the problems. Also the NI MAX is 2016 version so I don't know if that might be causing the problem. It may be that I do not have a specific service installed so if anyone has any suggestions I will greatly appreciate it. I don't know exactly what all the information is needed for this so if I missed anything then let me know. Thanks!

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 10

Following the steps in the file did the trick for me.

Good luck,


Message 2 of 10

Unfortunately this did not do the trick for me. I have tried this multiple times before but no luck. I currently have an executable running that I have not touched the firewall settings for so I don't believe that the firewall is causing the problem. 

Thanks for the suggestion though.


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 10

In the build specs, did you configure the shared variables tab?

Message 4 of 10

Have you check Distributed System Manager?
I manage to share variable using method shown in this video.

Message 5 of 10


I have "Deploy shared variables libraries at application execution" and "Undeploy shared variable libraries at application exit" selected. I am still not getting the variables to deploy and keep getting the same error. 



I have tried to use this method but none of my variables appear in the Distributed System Manager. I saved my project file for LV2013 so that I would be able to open it on the production machine. The variables appear in the project but when I try to deploy them I still get the same error.




This is the error that keeps appearing when I try to deploy variables different ways. What I have tried is opening Measurements and Automation Explorer and repair the software but that also did not do anything. I am sort of stump on what is causing the error. Thanks for the suggestions though. 

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 10
Accepted by topic author edgemfg



Have you tried resetting the database, or running the MAX Database Corruption Removal Tool? The error itself indicates a MAX database corruption, so I would start with those two steps first.


Angela L.

National Instruments

Message 7 of 10



Resetting the configuration data worked! I got the executable running and it says it deploys all the variables. But the variables still don't appear in the DSM and they are not communicating with VBAI. None of the indicators in the executable update the new images or calculations from VBAI. Is there something I am missing that is preventing the variables to be deployed to DSM besides the firewall and build specs for the executable?



0 Kudos
Message 8 of 10



Glad that we're no longer seeing the deployment error, though the variables not showing up in DSM is concerning. A few suggestions:


On the production machine, if you create a new 2013 project, create a shared variable, and deploy it, does it show up successfully in DSM?


Shared variables will not automatically deploy if you're running an executable. I see that you've already configured it in the build specifications; what happens if you programmatically deploy? See instructions here (Deploying Shared Variables from Windows):


Lastly, here's another KnowledgeBase that runs through some more troubleshooting steps. Troubleshooting Network-Published Shared Variables:


Let me know how it goes!


Angela L.

National Instruments

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 10



I was wrong, the variables did deploy. I was only checking the DSM when I exited the executable which undeployed the variables, that is why I couldn't see them and was mistaken. That's just me following instructions and hitting random boxes in the build specification without understanding what it actually does. The only other problem I am having is the variables do not change value as the executable is running. The values are blank in the DSM, not even zero. I believe this has something to do on my end that I am overlooking so I will be testing and messing around with variables now that I know they are deploying. 


Thanks for all the help!

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Message 10 of 10