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Sensor ultrasonico HC-SR04

Hola a todos, necesito su ayuda para poder utilizar un sensor ultrasonico con Arduino y LINX, ya intente utilizarlo con un Arduino uno y un Arduino nano, en ambos he intercambiado las terminales de DI channel y Do channel y no funciona( intente Di channel 6 echo y Do channel 7 trig, tambien de al revés, es decir: Di channel 7 echo y Do channel 8 trig, lo mismo para los pines digitales 3 y 4), ya verifique la funcionalidad del sensor directamente con IDE de Arduino y efectivamente funciono, uso LabVIEW 2017

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Hello everyone, I need your help to be able to use an ultrasonic sensor with Arduino and LINX, I already tried to use it with an Arduino uno and an Arduino nano, in both I have exchanged the DI channel and Do channel terminals and it does not work (try Di channel 6 echo and Do channel 7 trig, also backwards, that is: Di channel 7 echo and Do channel 6 trig, the same for digital pins 3 and 4), I already verified the functionality of the sensor directly with the Arduino IDE and it actually worked , I use LabVIEW 2017

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