09-28-2012 11:18 AM
@QRP wrote:
I think for some reason all of this stuff is setup for ending delimitors even the spread sheet to string function. There has to be a way for Labview to be able to handle in coming serial traffic with leading tokens. I sure miss my C programming language, it's so simple that way 😃
As far as I know, C works the same way. You could probably setup a loop that looks for 2 * and then grab the data between them. But that's more trouble than its worth when all you need to do is throw away the first element of the array.
09-28-2012 11:19 AM
@QRP wrote:
Jeff you are the master my friend. Your last example worked wonderful. Thank you so much!
My name is not Jeff...
09-28-2012 11:34 AM
Sorry crossrulz, your example works great. Thanks again.
09-28-2012 11:48 AM
@QRP wrote:
Jeff, I really like your approach, but every time I run the example it returns the data starting in array offset 1 and not 0, why would that be?
With *xx*xx*xx, Because there was no string before the first delimiter so an empty string is generated. If all tokens are at the end of the string xx*xx*xx* the last value would be empty. with xx*xx*xx only three elements are generated