04-21-2008 09:25 AM
Hi Kabanga,
i created a project and try it and if i reset the counter to 0 it works for me.
04-21-2008 11:06 AM
Hi Mike,
the reset is also perfectly working in my code (edit mode). And I also added an "wait until next ms multiple" (500).
It is still sending emails the whole time it runs?
Is it possible to check some parameters while the exe is running? something like "probe" in edit mode ?
Best regards
04-21-2008 11:17 AM
Hi Kabanga,
afaik it is not possible to use probes in an executable, but you can create indicators to see your states. If it is possible for you, you can upload a part from your "real" project and i try it on my pc.
04-21-2008 12:41 PM
Hi Mike
how to create these indicators? could you advise me?
Best regards
04-21-2008 12:46 PM
Hi Kabanga,
i mean the "normal" indicators. Right click on a wire and select create indicator.
04-22-2008 01:49 AM
04-22-2008 05:20 AM
Hi Mike,
I think that the idea of using indicators was good!!! I observed that both inputs of "Equal?" are 0. One of the input is changed when the user click some LED on the Front Panel. So, as far as we got no click the VI will be continually sending emails.
Is there any way to do so that the inputs of "Equal?" are differents even when the user didn't click?
I observed also that now even in edit mode emails are being sent when the programme runs.
Best regards
04-22-2008 05:50 AM
Hi Kabanga,
i´m not sure now what you mean. How can both values be 0 if one constant is 12?? Where do the serial values come from and what do you want to do?
04-22-2008 06:20 AM
04-22-2008 06:46 AM
Hi Kabanga,
no problem, i only want understand what you try. Is it necessary that minimum one LED is on to send an email? If yes, check this and combine both states.