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Run a LabVIEW program to activate two devices


Thank you all for taking the time to answer this issue.

I am running my labview program which provide a closed-loop control (programmed to provide recording and stimulation to implanted brain channels). The recording device is a USB-ME64-System and the stimulation device is a STG 4008 (from Multi Channel Systems). In my closed-loop program, when the recorded-signal amplitude exceeds the threshold value, the stimulation pulses will be trigger.

After running the recording module and stimulation module in two separate labview programs, both modules are working fine. However, when these two modules run in a labview program, the error 1172 occurs. The error related to disconnect node for stg200×downloadnet (an invoke Node).

All program and DLL are in one folder and there is no subfolder.

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Message 1 of 4


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Message 2 of 4

See if I have this right:

  • You have two LabVIEW programs (written in some unspecified version of LabVIEW, running on some unspecified OS, possibly Windows 10) that run OK separately.
  • Each uses its own set of hardware that appears to use third-party software that LabVIEW can control through unspecified DLLs (provided by the hardware manufacturers, presumably).
  • When you attempt to build a single LabVIEW program to run both routines together (in some unspecified manner), you get Error 1172 coming from some unknown place in the combined program.

Someone is going to need to inspect the LabVIEW code (and possibly the manuals that explain the external DLLs) to make any useful suggestions (other than, say, putting Probes and Breakpoints in your code and trying to pin down where the error occurs and under what circumstances).


So you can bring an Expert to the code (i.e. hire a LabVIEW consultant) or bring the code to the Forum (where numerous Experts lurk).  Pictures of code are not very helpful, unless the code is very simple.  If you are using a "recent" (meaning newer than LabVIEW 2021) version of LabVIEW, many of the "experts" will not be able to open your VIs (or, better, your Project), so you need to "Save for Previous Version" and specify LabVIEW 2019 or 2021 (these seem to be the most popular suggestions on the Forum).  Manuals describing the external DLLs might also be useful.


Bob Schor

Message 3 of 4

A "closed-loop control" between two programs (one recording and one stimulating) assumes that they must somehow communicate to "close the loop". Can you explain how that is implemented?


As Bob already mentioned, you don't really provide any useful information to solve the problem. We don't even know how you "combined" the two programs in an apparent faulty way.


Error 1172 is a .NET exception and this is really external to LabVIEW. My guess is that your instrument drivers use .NET, so start there!

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Message 4 of 4