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Run ImageJ in LabVIEW

Is it possible to run ImageJ from LabVIEW ? If yes, how ?


I have to develop a program to perform image stitching using imagej and control the stitching using labview.

i.e, LabView becomes front end and imagej becomes backend.

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Message 1 of 7

I have to develop a top level VI that allows the user to specify the file path, number of tiles, order of tiles and other relevant stitching algorithm  parameters, output path and format, using front panel controls, which can perform image stitching based on these parameters by calling ImageJ from LabVIEW and save output as JPG/stacked TIFF file.


How can I call imageJ from Labview?


0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

The information about running ImageJ headless here might be helpful:


You can write a script for the operations to be run by ImageJ, then call that script from the command line in LabVIEW the same way you would from a terminal prompt.

To do this, use the System Exec node.

How Do I Execute a Windows Command in LabVIEW?

How to Run an Executable Programmatically in LabVIEW

Message 3 of 7

This is the same question as in your other post, so see my response there.

For completeness in case this is the result people find via Google etc, read about the System Exec node.

A link to the other question: Run ImageJ in LabVIEW.

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Message 4 of 7

I got a program for calling Fiji(ImageJ) through LabVIEW.

I have attached VI. If possible please install Fiji(ImageJ) software.

I have developed a macro program with extension .ijm in Fiji . In that macro program, I have written macro program in which user provides number of rows , columns, type and order of stitching, amount of overlap, etc.(I have attached picture of it for ease of understanding). I want my LabVIEW program as which user provides number of rows , columns, type and order of stitching, amount of overlap, etc and Fiji runs and provide output. I want LabVIEW as front end and Fiji (ImageJ ) as backend. Can you give  idea on how we can run ijm macro?

When I tried in this program its showing error.


I have attached imagejmacro(.ijm file) in txt file.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

I got a program for calling Fiji(ImageJ) through LabVIEW.

I have attached VI. If possible please install Fiji(ImageJ) software.

I have developed a macro program with extension .ijm in Fiji . In that macro program, I have written macro program in which user provides number of rows , columns, type and order of stitching, amount of overlap, etc.(I have attached picture of it for ease of understanding). I want my LabVIEW program as which user provides number of rows , columns, type and order of stitching, amount of overlap, etc and Fiji runs and provide output. I want LabVIEW as front end and Fiji (ImageJ ) as backend. Can you give  idea on how we can run ijm macro?

When I tried in this program its showing error.


I have attached imagejmacro(.ijm file) in txt file.

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Message 6 of 7

I have attached a program to run Fiji(ImageJ) from Labview. Fiji is used to perform stitching of images. Parameters (number of rows, columns, overlap,etc) are given through labVIEW.

In this program, i am not getting output. When i try to find error, i noticed that subvi's used are not taking parameters. I tried to correct it, but i am not getting correct output.


This program uses system exec node to call imagej(fiji) to labview. Even the ImageJ application is not opened.


I have attached imagej macro program in macros.

Fiji_stitch is the main program , other VI's are subvi's used.


Kindly help to rectify errors.

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Message 7 of 7