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Report Generation Toolkit - Write cells to already open Excel file.

Does anyone know a way to write numeric cell values to a worksheet in an Excel spreadsheet that is already in memory using the Report Generation Toolkit?

I've found that if the spreadsheet is already in memory and the user has made changes to it without saving the changes, when LabVIEW opens the reference to the report, the user’s changes are overwritten if they have not been saved since LabVIEW opens the last saved version of the spreadsheet.  I'm aware that there is a setting to "display alerts" to the user but I'd rather not do this.  I would like simply to obtain a reference to the open spreadsheet without re-opening the spreadsheet file.

Thanks in advance!

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Space_Flight wrote:
> Greetings,
> Does anyone know a way to write numeric cell values to a worksheet in an Excel
> spreadsheet that is already in memory using the Report Generation Toolkit?
> I've found that if the spreadsheet is already in memory and the user has made
> changes to it without saving the changes, when LabVIEW opens the reference to
> the report, the user?s changes are overwritten if they have not been saved
> since LabVIEW opens the last saved version of the spreadsheet.  I'm aware
> that there is a setting to "display alerts" to the user but I'd
> rather not do this.  I would like simply to obtain a reference to the open
> spreadsheet without re-opening the spreadsheet file.
> Thanks in advance!


I do not believe this is possible to do with the report generation VIs
(although I have VERY little experience with these. If you really had
to do it this way, you could use activeX controls to manually right
values to cells in an open excel spreadsheet, but this can get rather
cumbersome. Are users changing the values in the spreadsheet while
your program is running? Is there maybe a way around this?


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Yes, users are using the spreadsheet and making changes while running the LabVIEW application.  I'll look into the ActiveX side of things. 
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