09-30-2013 07:17 AM
Hi guys. I noticed that if in the visa resource name I set a different IP or a COM on which nothing is connected, the output is always ok. the question is how can I handle an error like this?For example an user that set a different Ip or a usb or anything on which there isn't any instrument connected?
Thank you
09-30-2013 09:18 AM
What device are you connecting to? What kinds of commands do you send to it and what responses do you expect.
You should catch the error whenever you send a command and don't get the appropriate response back.
Opening a VISA port doesn't take any action as to figuring out what if anything is connected to the port. It is just establishing a connection between LabVIEW and the physical port within the PC.
09-30-2013 11:39 PM
Impossible. When you connect different com port which is not at all present then either you wont be able to read or write. May be some problem with VI itself
09-30-2013 11:39 PM
Upload the VI
10-01-2013 01:40 AM
hi guys.
attached there is the VI.
The comunication is opened in the "RTS" case structure.
10-01-2013 05:08 AM
in 2011 please
10-01-2013 05:22 AM
I have the student versione. could you tell me how to convert it into the 2011?
thank you
10-01-2013 05:32 AM
done 🙂
10-01-2013 05:46 AM
Initialization of VISA needs to be done outside
10-01-2013 06:47 AM
crap I didn't see it. thank you