11-18-2019 05:03 AM
While trying to figure out why my RT application refused to run if I enabled the UI on a cRIO-9030 (a separate question...), I noticed that if the application *is* running (which it seems to do fine if the UI disabled) - the event log still reports an error:
"11/18/2019 10:15:00 [error] LabVIEW: (Hex 0x611) The LabVIEW Run-Time Engine cannot load the polymorphic VI. This error occurs in stand-alone applications when the VI is polymorphic. LabVIEW: (Hex 0x611) The LabVIEW Run-Time Engine cannot load the polymorphic VI. This error occurs in stand-alone applications when the VI is polymorphic."
If it is able to detect such a load error, should the application even be able to run? It seems to be working fine...From the few other discussion I have found here at ni.com this might just be a bug, but it would be nice to get rid of the error...and of course its existence makes me worry that the application does have a problem that I just have not found yet.
11-18-2019 05:10 AM
Note that the error occurs even though Polymorphic VI instances are not removed (see build option image below:)
11-18-2019 07:16 AM
Could we see this VI? Does anything change if you replace it with (several) non-polymorphic, single input-type VIs (i.e. one for Integer in, one for Dbl in, etc.) to eliminate polymorphism per se as the issue?
Bob Schor
11-18-2019 07:44 AM
The error does not seem to refer to any specific VI.
My guess is that it is part of something pulled from vi.lib, perhaps something from an lvlib file somewhere. So I tried not excluding anything from lvlibs as well (buidling the app with no exclusions or lvlib modifications at all), but that does not fix the issue either.
11-18-2019 07:53 AM
The only related post I have found is this rather old one, which did not find a solution:
No PPLs in my project though, so that might make it simpler.