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ROI Manipulation

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Hi guys,


Part of my current LabVIEW project involves me using an video feed, and the user will need to draw multiple ROIs on the feed.


I would like to be able to allow the user to use a button interface to control the creation and deletion of ROIs, as opposed to the rather rough 'n' ready "Hold ctrl + click" approach. Ideally, I'd like there to be a button "Create ROI" which will create a (rectangular) ROI on the image display, which the user can then move and resize as they please. I'd also like a "Delete ROI" option, where the user will specify (perhaps from a drop-down menu) which ROI to delete.


I think this can be done using Property Nodes but can't get any real progress on this. How should I go about this?



Message 1 of 6
Have you tried using "imaq select rectangle" vi . You can use this to select the rectangle using mouse move. You can also convert this rectangle to roi if needed
Message 2 of 6

Hi muks,


I've started using that VI - it is more helpful.


However, I now have a new problem - I'd like the ROIs to be colour coded (for example, ROI 1 - Green, ROI 2 - Blue, ROI 3 - Red, ROI 4 - Yellow). How do I go about this?


I've tried using the "IMAQ Overlay ROI" VI, but for some reason it isn't working in the small VI I've built up just to solve these ROIs I'm having. How should I wire it up? Unfourtunately, I can't post my VI on here (security issues).


Thanks for any advice,


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Message 3 of 6

Use an unbundle by name to the output rectangle of the "imaq select rectangle" vi. Then choose left,top,right,bottom in them and build array and convert array to cluster and feed this to imaq over lay rectangle, In this vi you can choose the overlay color to be displayed.



Yup my labVIEW is not opening at present

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Message 4 of 6
Accepted by topic author dpg1
Message 5 of 6

I am making license plate recognition , I need to mask the portion containing license plate so I have calculated centroid for the image after doing image processing  please tell how to use coordinates of centroid to mask image

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Message 6 of 6