10-26-2017 12:39 PM
yeah!! really helped a lot!!
11-01-2017 12:59 PM - edited 11-01-2017 01:11 PM
how to make 0-100 to vary with user input? and how to keep a reference limit where the object come near to reference it should do something (sound or led blink)?
11-01-2017 01:10 PM
how to make 0-100 to vary with user input? and how to keep a reference limit where the object come near to reference it should do something (sound or led blink)?
11-01-2017 01:33 PM
The nice things with complex numbers is that the absolute value of the difference of two points in the complex plane is the distance directly. So just subtract one complex position from the reference position, take the absolute value, and do a "less or equal" comparison, for example. Act based on the result of the comparison, e.g. using a case structure.
11-06-2018 03:38 AM - edited 11-06-2018 03:46 AM
I have looked at "LocalDSP" example and tried to make something similar but with angle and length instead of X,Y coordinates.
Not sure if this is the best way to do it, but it seems to work, ich..., except that multiple "dots" are ploted when hitting a target.
Any suggestion on how to preventing this (multi dots)?
Or maybe another way to plot "one" dot when hitting a object (when object < 60) ?
11-07-2018 01:40 PM
Hi S. Stock,
I have not looked into the best way to architect a radar simulation, but why weren't you able to convert LocalDSP's example to polar? I haven't adapted the code myself, but I can't see how you would get two dots if LocalDSP's example is only plotting one.
David F.
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
11-09-2018 05:14 AM - edited 11-09-2018 05:15 AM
I have not tried to convert LocalDSP example to polar, but instead tried solving this using two polar-plots...
But again, this works only ich.... So i'm probably better of trying to convert he's application instead.
Since i'm not that familiar with polar-plots, maybe someone could come up with an example on how to convert; "distance" and "angle" to X,Y coordinates (for a 180-, not 360-plot ) for he's application (LocalDSP)? 🙂
11-09-2018 06:58 AM
I already replied to your question through private email some days ago:
"The XY coordinates can be converted to/from polar coordinate if you prefer a distance & angle approach. Use the Re/Im to Polar or Polar to Re/Im LabVIEW primitives (Numeric>>Complex palette) to perform the conversion. Your X and Y values then represent resp. the Real and Imaginary values connected to the primitives. Remember that all angles are represented in radians, not degrees."
11-13-2018 05:48 AM
This is what I've got so far (after converting as mentioned)
The remaining problem now is that the "dot" disappear to fast from 180-360 and looks halved from 0-180
11-14-2018 02:48 PM
I tried running the revised VI you attached, but I'm unable to see the point plotted at all, no matter what value I change the input to. Is this the behavior you're experiencing?