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Programming Andor EMCCD GUI with Timed Structures

Hi everyone,


I am currently trying to program a GUI using Labview 2009 for Andor EMCCD camera IXon. I think basically there are 3 things that need to be monitored while running the program.


1. Monitor the temperature of camera to ensure that it is stable at -70 deg C

2. Monitor the inputs from user settings.

3. To do live imaging, viewing and recording of image or image capture (functionality).


For a start, I am actually planning to use three timed loop to run in parallel. I have attached my sample code below. Does anyone know that Is it a good approach and efficient approach to do it? Or is there any other better approach?


Greatly appreciate all your comments and feedback.


Kind regards,

Han Yen

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8

Hey Han Yen,


Do you have any specific concerns regarding the vi you posted? Can you elaborate on what you are concerned with in terms of the performance of the vi?



A. Zaatari

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8

Dear A. Zaatari,


My current EMCCD camera can record from 35 frames per second to several 100's frames per second. With regards to the vi, I am actually concern whether using my current approach, will I be limiting the performance of the camera? Alternatively, would just by using flat sequence structure be better? Thank you again for all your feedback.


Kind regards,

Han Yen


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8

DId you benchmark the performance of your VI? Did you find that it was not adequate?

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8

Actually I haven't benchmark yet. The vi is not fully tested yet. I saw some examples on textbooks using loops so I am just a little concern whether I am on the right track since I have not much experience with labview..


Examples of Grab and Snap.JPG

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

I believe your setup should work fine! I don't see any red flags. 

National Instruments
Applications Engineer
Message 6 of 8

What are the modules that you have used in this project?

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

I HAVE FOUND difficulty opening your file. it remains then load it opens me an incomplete vi. 

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Message 8 of 8