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Problems Reading/Writing Parallel Port Data, Status & control Registers Using In and Out


Can anyone there help me Please with the problem. I am trying to communicate with the parallel port using my program which i have attached to the message. I am running LabVIEW 7.0 Professional with application builder. All the program does is reads and writes to the three parallel port registers. It runs FINE!!! in my computer. But when i built an executable (see attached) and tried running on a different computer (with LabVIEW Runtime engine 7.0 installed) the program does not read/write to the registers. The target PC had the parallel port in SPP mode just like mine. I can't seem to understand whats going wrong? Can anyone please help me if you know the right answer.


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Message 1 of 5

Hi Dip,

When you select "Build Application or Shared Library", in "Source Files", do you add the dynamic vi's and support files?
In "Installer Settings", do you select "Create installer" and include the all LLB's and vi's necessary for it to work?
It may not include a driver if it is not included in the build.

Unfortunately, I do not have V at work.  There is a TAB in the build executable where you select which drivers to include.  I cannot guide you to find the appropriate location of this...


Message 2 of 5

@Dip wrote:

Can anyone there help me Please with the problem. I am trying to communicate with the parallel port using my program which i have attached to the message. I am running LabVIEW 7.0 Professional with application builder. All the program does is reads and writes to the three parallel port registers. It runs FINE!!! in my computer. But when i built an executable (see attached) and tried running on a different computer (with LabVIEW Runtime engine 7.0 installed) the program does not read/write to the registers. The target PC had the parallel port in SPP mode just like mine. I can't seem to understand whats going wrong? Can anyone please help me if you know the right answer.


In the application builder go to the Installer tab, then push the Advanced... button. In the upcoming dialog select LabVIEW Run-Time  Engine and Port I/O Support. You can deselect all the other options as you are obviously not using them.

Rolf Kalbermatter

Message Edited by rolfk on 10-20-2005 03:58 PM

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
Message 3 of 5
Hi Guys,
I too have a problem using "Out", but of a diferent kind. I use this VI to control the  Parallel Port which in  turn controls a small circuit. I use only two data pins, DP-2 and DP-4 for this purpouse. I use LV 7.1 Professional Development version in a Windows 2000 operating system. Now, my main problem is that my code runs fine (both is development and .exe forms) in my development computer, but when I try to run the .exe version in  other computers (Windows XP operating system), it asks for a "protocol file" while starting (look at the attached picture).
Now, I really have no idea what kind of a protocol file it asks for and just click "ok" and proceed to work, the most interesting part is that the code works well as I expected. So, my only problem is that it asks for a protocl file which I want to avoid. As with the application building, I do all that is  required like including the sub VIs (self developed), creating an installer, enabling the port access, and creating a proper .ini fine. I also use the Out from the AccessHW library.
I have my doubts on two fronts,
1) With the version conflict, since my development computer runs with Windows 2000 and my target computers all run with Windows XP
2) With the Out which further contains a small VI "Output Word to" in it and that further contains Call Library Function Node, which might call soem external files, like what my problem is.(look at the attached picture)
I don't have answers to these questions and may be my problem is in different place, but I would like to hear from anyone who could give me a helping hand. I am in a situation where I could not disclose my code.
Thanks in advance,
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Message 4 of 5
In LabVIEW 7.1 you do not use AccessHW at all. The Port IO library that comes with LabVIEW 7.1 works under Windows NT versions. Also the PortAccess selection in the Additional Installers does install drivers for the LabVIWE 7.1 Port IO VIs not for the older AccessHW library.

As to the dialog I think it looks very much like a dialog your application does open on its own somewhere.

Rolf Kalbermatter
Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
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Message 5 of 5