06-21-2013 01:42 PM
I'm quite a newbie with signal processing...
I need to recognize if a signal is a square wave. How can I do it?
FFT? Multiple tone analyze?
06-21-2013 04:33 PM
duty cycle?
Have a look at the histogram 😉
06-21-2013 06:51 PM
What are the other possibilities? Sine wave? Low duty cycle pulses? What is the signal to noise ratio?
To set up an automated classification system, you must know what the range of possible signals looks like.
06-22-2013 01:34 AM
Signal can be any signal: sine wave, sawtooth wave, noise,...
I need to recognize if the signal is a square wave (with any duty cycle) or not. If the signal is a square wave, my program performs some measurements; otherwise the signal is "rejected".
Can you help me?
06-22-2013 03:48 AM - edited 06-22-2013 03:52 AM
Will the square wave have over shoot? ringing? , rise time?
When is it a short square pulse or a trapezoide ?
The square wave should only have two levels, so the histogram will have two peaks. normalize the input wave , calc histogram *, mask the peaks, summ the residual bins and you have a good weigth to work with.
And then I will feed you with clipped sine shapes
*) or try to normalize the histogram (peak search from left and rigth??, mean and standard dev. ? )