"It is interesting that over the duration of the data you posted the oscillation period seems to be increasing. That implies that some characteristic of the system is changing."
Well, it is only because I was "lazy" to wait enough, if I wait until the system gets into stable oscillation, the period time and the amplitude of the PV and PID output are quite constant...
Can you try running it for a time so the that oscillation is present and as "stable" as it gets, then switch the controls so that the Keithleys are producing a constant output with a value near the mean value from the previous cycle or two. Of course the temperature will probably rise or fall under those conditions, but hopefully the rate will be slow. I am curious whether the temperature change will be linear under those conditions.
I will do this, and I will post here the results as the above jpg file. So I will switch the system (after some time when everything is stable) to manual mode, and set the output to an average calculated from 1 or 2 previuos periods what were recorded. Actually what I know already: if I apply a constant driving current in manual mode, the response looks quite linear I think, but I will try this anyway again so I can save the data and show it...
Another consideration: Can you use feedforward control to correct for part of this behavior? If the amplitude and freqeuncy are well known, this might help.
Can you give some hints here? I know there is this "PID Lead-Lag.VI" but my knowledge in control theory is quite limited.
Just some guessing how to use this VI with the PID.VI, please correct me if I misunderstand something:
1., I have to put this lead-lag VI "between" the ProcessValue and the PID input.
2., Since the water has a high heat capacity, it responds with a lag to the driving current.
Tuning parameters: Gain = 1 I guess since I do not want to change the proportional gain, lag = some value, LEad = this should be zero i guess...
So I need to specify the phase lag. What is phase lag? I guess, this is the waiting time, until the PV curve reacts for the PID output change. If I look at the jpg graph with PV and output plotted, I would estimate this to be roughly 10 minutes. Am I right?
Thanks very much for help! (and I feel very soon I must start to learn control theory fundamentals 🙂 )
Best Regards,