03-28-2022 02:08 AM
Is it possible to open a .sor bell trace file with Labview and how would i do this?
Thanks in advance
With kind regards
03-28-2022 02:29 AM
Hi arkantos,
@arkantos1908 wrote:
Is it possible to open a .sor bell trace file with Labview and how would i do this?
The technically correct answer is: yes, you can open the file using the FileOpen function!
I guess you want to know how to parse the file content!?
To answer that question you should provide a manual with a (complete) file format description…
03-28-2022 04:50 AM
Thank you for your answer.
It is an OTDR measurement i need to view.
I do not have a file format description, do you have any idea how to proceed from this point?
Thanks in advance
With kind regards
03-28-2022 07:46 AM
Hi Arkantos,
@arkantos1908 wrote:
It is an OTDR measurement i need to view.
I do not have a file format description, do you have any idea how to proceed from this point?
Ask the manufacturer of your measurement device (and its software) for accurate specifications/descriptions.
You need to know the file format before you are able to parse the file content…
03-28-2022 08:14 AM
Or you could Google it!
03-28-2022 08:33 AM
Thank you for your answer. I tried googling it end didn't find a good answer?
Certainly not one that would allow me to implement it into LabView.
With kind regards