Thanks for the help, but I'm still a little shaky on how to accomplish what I need to. The first loop works fine, and I think that I got the LED thing, but that second one is still giving me troubles. I tried to clean up the logical mess by using a formula node, but I'm still not sure if it's working right. I see that there is a problem with the event structure not having a timeout value, but I'm not sure how I should determine that value. I decided to change the way it needs to function, but I'm still not having the best of luck. Here's what I need to happen:
-first loop
Runs for given time (this works)
-seocnd loop
Runs until a value in (currently controled by a knob, but will be an input via the labjack) is lower than a certain level
While this loop is running, if a control is changed, an interior loop must run for a time determined by the difference in the variable.
-third loop
runs for a time based on the final position of the afore mentioned varriable
The problem now seems to be that it won't run the interior loops, despite the variable change. I think it has to do with the timeout value. Is there a way to set it to check once every iteration of the loop? Thanks
Message Edited by Dominj on 04-17-2005 05:31 PM
Message Edited by Dominj on 04-17-2005 05:32 PM