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Need to delete existing installer data files before rebuilding installer?

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Hopefully quick question - when I build the installer for my software, it creates a folder called Volume with setup.exe and various other support files, including a "bin" folder which has multiple folder levels beneath it.  If I change my software and then rebuild the installer, it puts the new files in the same place.  My concern is that somehow there are files from an older installation build not being overwritten that might somehow corrupt the new software if I don't get them out of the way first (for instance by emptying or deleting the Volume folder). 


On a slightly more realistic note, even if the functionality is the same, if there are additional files from a previous build that are no longer needed, I can decrease the size of my installer if I remove them.  I know for a fact that unrelated files in the Volume folder are left there when I rebuild the installer, so LabVIEW is not deleting all files before starting a new build.  I just don't know if it is deleting any unused files/folders in the multiple levels of folders under the "bin" folder.


Does anyone know if my concerns have any basis in reality?  Should I always delete the existing Volume folder before building a new installer?


Thank you,


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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author jmorris
The Application Builder will place the installer files in the directory specified.  It will replace the old files, if they exist.  Files that were once part of the installer, but are no longer, will stay intact.  It is always recommended to delete the Volume folder before building your final volume installer folder.
National Instruments
Applications Engineer
Message 2 of 3
Thank you very much for your prompt and concrete answer!  🙂
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Message 3 of 3