09-26-2016 08:15 AM
09-26-2016 08:23 AM
09-26-2016 08:30 AM
Check the power management options for that PC to see if it is disabling the USB ports after awhile as an energy saving "feature".
09-26-2016 08:33 AM
09-26-2016 08:34 AM
Thanks but I have tried that but it doesn't seem to stop the TC-01 not working after a certain time.
I have even got them to disable the screen saver.
09-26-2016 08:35 AM
Windows Control Panel >> Power Options
09-26-2016 10:46 AM
@TC_Magic wrote:How would I got about doing that, I am looking at the 'Reset Device' option but it is asking for a device and not a task.
Just clear the DAQmx task and re-initialise it.
If you use Reset Device, you can get the device from the task by using a 'DAQmx Task' property node. It will return an array containing all of the devices used in the task which you can then reset in a For loop (or index out the first element since it will be the only device in your task).
09-26-2016 10:48 AM
I will try it and let you know how I get on