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NI Robotic Starter it

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I'm interested about this kit " DANI ".. really I'm planning to buy it to have a training on the sbRIO 9632 in real time applications.


My question is after using this kit in training with some labview examples...Can I be able to use the sbRIO 9632 in another application also for controlling DC motors.


As I would like to build a DC Motor Position control project 

using a pan tilt mechanism and I'm thinking to get use of the sbRIO 9632 and the motor driver circuit on this kit  and use them for Pan tilt Mechansim 


I already waiting for a pan tilt mechansim having two 12DC motors, this mechansim has also a pot. for feedback.


Shall I go on and buy this robotic kit and get trained ?


Am I able to disammble it (without losing its function as a robot when reassembled) and use the needed boards (sbRIO9632 and motor Driver circuits) in my pan/tilt project?


thanks in advance

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Message 1 of 9
Accepted by topic author A.Hakim

The sbRIO on the Starter Kit robot can still be used by itself, even if it is removed from the robot.  You can use it just like any other sbRIO-9632.  One thing to keep in mind is that you will need to provide a power supply for the board once it is removed from the robot.  It requres a 19-30 V DC power supply.


Regarding your question about disassembling the robot, there is no reason it will not work if it is reassembled correctly.  Keep in mind that you would be responsible for whether or not it works once reassembled, since NI does not officially support dismantling the robot.  There are no schematics or instructions provided (that I know of) for this.


Chris M

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9

Thanks for your reply...


I am just wondering and I wish you can give me your experince about



Is thedisassemblyandreassemblingiseasyornot? and any recommendations you can give?


I am planning to use the sbRIO 9632 in PID , Fuzzy and NN algorithms..........can these algorithms downloaded on  this board?


I will need also the motor driver circuit on this kit



Any recommendations


Dont forget that I will learn and get a good practice using this kit first and then I will manag to siassemble it


























0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

Thanks for your reply...


I am just wondering and I wish you can give me your experince about



Is thedisassemblyandreassemblingiseasyornot? and any recommendations you can give?


I am planning to use the sbRIO 9632 in PID , Fuzzy and NN algorithms..........can these algorithms downloaded on  this board?


I will need also the motor driver circuit on this kit



Any recommendations


Dont forget that I will learn and get a good practice using this kit first and then I will manag to siassemble Kit


























0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9

The construction of the robot is pretty straightforward, so it shouldn't be very difficult to disassemble and reassemble it in my opinion.  The robot's built-in software requires specific wires to be connected to specific I/O pins, so take care to keep track of all the wired connections when you are disassembling.


The sbRIO consists of a Real-Time (RT) execution target and an FPGA execution target.  The PID and Fuzzy Logic VIs can be used in code deployed to the RT target in much the same way they would be used on a PC.  The FPGA target is more restrictive, so it doesn't support the Fuzzy Logic VIs.  There is an FPGA PID VI you can use on this target.


Chris M

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9

Thanks for your reply...


so I can conclude that I can implement  PID on both RT module (using PID and Fuzzy toolkit  and RT toolkit) and on  FPGA module (using PID FPGA) on the sbRIO 9632


and concerning Fuzzy technique , it can be only implemented using RT module (using PID and Fuzzy toolkit and RT toolkit)



Am I right?


Also I would like to share this video which is  showing the Robotic Starter KIt which uses sbRIO9632 and control is implemented using Fuzzy on FPGA 

I wish to get your comments
Thanks in Advance for your HELP


0 Kudos
Message 6 of 9

Yes, you are correct about the implementation of PID and fuzzy logic on the sbRIO.


Chris M

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 9


i have problems when i make robotics projects:

- I cann't save my data if i download and run it on the Robotics Staters Kit 2.0, but it is nomal when i run it on LabVIEW's framework

- I created a Fuzzy VI and then integrated with programs controlling DC motor. Fuzzy logic VI runs well in LabVIEW's framework but cann't run on the Robotics Staters Kit 2.0

Please help me

thank you so much

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Message 8 of 9
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Message 9 of 9