MAX can create a Task for you, but except when you are running Test Panels, MAX doesn't save data for you -- you do that with DAQmx (or, shudder, the Dreaded DAQ Assistant).
It is too bad you didn't attach your LabVIEW code showing what you are doing. Yes, the DAQmx Read gives you Analog Data as a Dbl (either as a Dbl Array, or as a Waveform, which contains a component, Y, that is a Dbl Array). There are functions on the Numeric "Conversion" sub-Palette that will convert a Dbl to a Sgl, but in the modern PC era when disk I/O is very fast, and disk storage space is relatively plentiful (and, the Chips that handle Floats inside the PC are probably comparable in speed of processing between Sgl and Dbl), why bother with Sgl?
Bob Schor