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NI Device Drivers Aug 2015

I have recently down loaded the latest NI device drivers Aug 2015.  I know there are 3 parts to the download.  I've run the three zip files which extract the actual installer.  After extracting the third zip file the installer automatically starts. However, halfway through the installation I'm asked to insert media 2.  I have tried to navigate to the location the installer is looking for but it is not happy with anything I suggest.  How do I fix this?





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Message 1 of 25

Did all three downloads extract to Zip files (or were they directly Zip files)?  What I think is happening is that NI is expecting that each "DVD Image" will exists as a folder, by default in the NI Downloads directory on your C: drive.  Find the folders, and when it asks for the Media 2 folder, point it to the folder where the data from that "Medium" was extracted.


Bob Schor

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Message 2 of 25
Bob, Yes all three downloads provided 3 self extracting zip files. I tried a few different things. Here they are: 1. Download all three files and unzip to default directory. First download/zip creates a folder at "C:\National Instruments Downloads\NI Device Drivers\Aug15\DCD-Aug15-1". The second download/zip dumps files into "C:\National Instruments Downloads\NI Device Drivers\Aug15\DCD-Aug15-1\Products". The third download/zip starts the install of the drivers. This had the same problem asking for the 2nd media 2. Downloaded all three files and unzip to individual folders. This had the same problem asking for the 2nd media If you are ok with it I can send you a webex screen share to show you the details. Thanks.
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 25

When I downloaded them, I ended up with DCD-Aug15-1 and DCD-Aug15-2 folders (I don't remember which ZIP did what) after they were all done.  I don't recall it autostarting the installer, but they may have completed out of order.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 25
So when you install them does it ask for media 2? Is it happy with what you point it to?
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 25

I installed it with no trouble.  If it asked for media 2, I pointed to the DCD-Aug15-2 folder, which has the it is looking for.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 25
Yea thats what I would expect. For some reason I only get one folder "DCD-Aug15-1" after unziping all three parts. I'm going to try it again for the 20th time.....
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 25
Ok, This time I screen shot each step. I put everything in the same folder. I can even see th file Still not working!!! This install is jacked up for me!!!! COME ON!!! 😞
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Message 8 of 25
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Message 9 of 25

There's still no attachment.

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Message 10 of 25