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NI 9411 & NI 9402 not working together (Error -50103 ("The specified resource is reserved"))

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HI guys,


I am working on a project where I need to acquire data from an incremental rotary encoder and at the same time generate pulses which are going to be sent to a high speed camera.


I have a NI cDAQ chassis c9174 and two DAQ modules connected inside of it.

NI 9411 for acquiring the rotary encoder data

NI 9402 to generate pulses and sending them to high speed camera


The problem is that when i try to do both tasks at the same time LabView gives me the following error:

-50103 ("The specified resource is reserved")


I have made individual VIs for both tasks in order to check if the sensor and the DAQ modules are working and there is no problem. The pulses generation program was checked using a digital oscilloscope and the encoder is giving expected results. 


However, they dont work when both tasks are run simultaneously.


I have tried;

1) doing both tasks in the same VI

2) doing both tasks having their separate VIs - start them simultaneously or start them with some time delay, LabView still gives this error.


I will be highly obliged if there is any kind of solution to this problem.





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Message 1 of 4
Accepted by topic author MNMQ

Hello MNMQ,


normally this should working can you post your code?

Have you used different counter ctr0 for the 9411 and ctr2 for the 9402?



best regards
Message 2 of 4

Hi Duffy2007


Thankyou for your kind reply.


I took your suggestion of using different counters (ctr0 for 9411 and ctr2 for 9402) and now its working like a charm.


thankyou. you are a life saver.




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Message 3 of 4

@Duffy2007 wrote:

Hello MNMQ,


normally this should working can you post your code?

Have you used different counter ctr0 for the 9411 and ctr2 for the 9402?



I was trying my program for 3 hours without any result. Saw this just now and tried it.It works like a charm! 🙂 Life saver indeed!

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Message 4 of 4