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My RF to LabVIEW program

I have read through several different threads, but decided to start my own because my application is different. 



I am trying to make my ThingMagic USB RFID reader communicate with my LabVIEW program. The program is a lap counter, so I am wanting the scan of a tag to act as the input, and record the laptime into my array.


I have the data sheet for my specific reader,, which lists some protocols. I have several DLL files, which from what I have read may be needed. I also have opened the NI-MAX and the VISA test panel to look at some of the settings.


I'm asking specifically if anyone has any ideas on what I should do from here to make my program and this reader communicate? I am very unskilled on programming in C/C++ so if that is needed I will have to contact someone from my department at school for additional help. (I have attached my .vi file if anyone needs to take a look for clarification.)


Thanks in advance for any support! 

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Message 1 of 3

Your link to the datasheet is broken. Try to delete the trailing comma to fix it. (here is the corrected link)


According to the datasheet, the protocol is given, so you want to start reading here. Sorry this is not my area of expertise).


However, I can give you some comments on the LabVIEW program:

Instead of "insert into array", you can use "build array", it is simpler (fewer inputs).

It is cheaper appending to the end of an array than to the beginning of an array. Worth considering if the array will get large.

I would initialize the shift registers.

What's the purpose of the sequence structure? Does not really seem required here.

If you would connect to the "array" terminal after the second case, you would not need the value property node. (This entire thing looks a bit clumsy and convoluted...)

Message 2 of 3

I didn't even notice the comma, thanks! As for the program, it is part of a sample code I found and altered to fit my application. So the the sequence structure was already there. If I wanted to get rid of the property value node  I would connect the "array" terminal after which area? I'm pretty new to all of this.

As for "build array", could I just use a different function block in place of the one that exists there now?


Thanks for the input

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Message 3 of 3