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Multiple DB tools insert data Error Code: -2147217900

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 Hi All 🙂 ,


I'm new to LabView. Right now I'm using version 8.2.

I have browse the topic but i dont seem to find what i need.

I have two question and I hope you guyz can help.


1. I am doing a program and i need to insert my data in SQL.

Previously, I have done this using single DB Tools Insert  due to only one table involved. It was OK.

For this case, I need to push about 8 clusters of data inside database every 5 seconds.

I'm not sure on how i should wired the vi's if i'm using 8 at once.

I have tried connecting it parallelly from the open connection tools and serially from one insert data tools to another.

Is this the correct way to do it? Please advise. I have attached the insert data part of my program.


2. Previously when i try to connect all 8 in serial, the vi runs, however, it doesnt pass the data to the database.But when i stopped the VI and tried to run again, the error code -2147217900 come up. Can someone advise on the reasons why it occured?


Please advise and million of thanx in advance.





Roziela Sharib

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Message 1 of 4
Accepted by topic author Aleizor

study the links here and post if still problem persists



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4

Thank you. :smileywink:




Roziela Sharib

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4
Glad to help Smiley Happy
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