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Modifying the Labview window

I've barely ever used Labview before, so I'm coming at it from a newbie perspective, so be gentle. Smiley Happy


I currently write data acquisition programs in Visual Basic or C++, so I am used to making the window look exactly the way I want for subject feedback studies.  Is it possible to make the Labivew output window look exactly the way I want?  This would mean I would only want a graph of a single channel on the window, without buttons, menus, etc to clutter the display up.  I would control the program either through the keyboard or by a context menu.


Also, does Labview have profiling features?  So if I want to time how long a certain VI takes to run, is this possible?






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In your VI, you should go to File > VI Properties... > Category "Window Appearence" > Customize...


...and then you can try to check/uncheck many options and see the result ! 🙂

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tben60 wrote:

I currently write data acquisition programs in Visual Basic or C++, so I am used to making the window look exactly the way I want for subject feedback studies.  Is it possible to make the Labivew output window look exactly the way I want?  This would mean I would only want a graph of a single channel on the window, without buttons, menus, etc to clutter the display up.  I would control the program either through the keyboard or by a context menu.

Absolutely.  Look at the Event Structure.  You can create an event case to handle the pressing of a keyboard key or the activation of a context menu.  I would also recommend making an event case for VI Front Panel Close to you can perform some cleanup and close you application.



tben60 wrote:Also, does Labview have profiling features?  So if I want to time how long a certain VI takes to run, is this possible?

Check out the Tools Menu.  There is a Profile submenu.



tben60 wrote:




You have a GREAT name. Smiley Wink

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