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Missing VIs reported when using 2010 RTE

Code that worked with the 2010 Development System reports missing VIs when run with the 2010 RTE -- either the RTE version from an Application Builder or from the RTE version downloaded from NI.  Missing VIs are in the NI_AALPro.lvlib.  One is Power Spectrum (DBL).vi which is called from within the Auto Power Spectrum VI; the other is General


 Missing files are reported during loading.  Have tried on multiple systems, XP and Windows 7, with and without the Development System and with Installs generated on different computers.  With the development system it works, without it fails.  This same code worked with the RTE under LV 8.5.1.


To replicate, make a VI with just the Auto Power (from Signal Analysis) and the General (from Mathematics) and build an installer with the RTE and try to run. 

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Message 1 of 15
And you have a data folder under the exe with lvanyls.dll in that folder?
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 15

Yes there is a lvanlys.dll in the data folder.  It always has a date of 1/13/2011 6:32 PM and a size of 1,140 KB.  My "hunch" is that the missing vis are not being properly placed in the .dll.  Is there any way to examine the contents of the .dll?

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Message 3 of 15

I'm having trouble replicating the issue. It seems to work fine for me. So when you try to run the executable on a machine with LV 2010 (but not the development version), it does not work? Or is it not working when the machine has RTE installed only (no version of LV is installed on the computer)?


Have you tried manually including the library in the application directory?


Chris G

Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 15

There is apparently some "mystery" on my system.  When I click on the Additional Installer in the Installer Properties and select RTE 2010 and then select or deselect the sub-items, the "Installer source location" changes from the "Program FIles . . . ProductCache" to the "Volume" folder in my builds area and changes the "Distribution title" from "Local Cache" to my project name!  Therefore, who knows what is being loaded in place of the RTE 2010.  Even stranger, the exact same project, run from a jump drive, works fine on another computer which has the same original version of LabVIEW 2010.  To eliminate "scars" from older versions of LabVIEW, I ran the Uninstaller, MsiBlast and msicuu2.exe and then re-installed LabVIEW 2010.  This did not make any difference.


There is apparentlyl some "quirk" with my computer and the problem is probably NOT in the RTE 2010 which was reporting missing files, but in the Application Builder which is changing the location where it expects the files.  Any thoughts on that problem would be appreciated. 

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 15

Huh. Well, I can certainly agree that this is some extremely weird behavior. The Installer Source Location should just specify where the original installation files are for RTE. The fact that this (and the Distribution Title) is changing certainly indicates something quirky. Especially since reinstalling LV didn't help, and the problem doesn't exist on other computers. All default locations on the install I'm assuming, correct?


Does this same behavior occur if you try to include programs other than RTE (such as drivers etc.) in the Additional Installers?


Chris G

Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 15

Good question.  I checked some of the other installer options and they all seem to reference reasonable locations such as:

(Installer source location) C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\Shared\ProductCache and (Distribution title) Local Cache (for NI Variable Engine 2.4.1) or

(Installer source location) C:\Users\Bob\AppData\Local\Temp\RarSFX0 and (Distribution title) NI Academic Site License Spring 2011 LabVIEW Core Disk 1 (for NI Measurement & Automation Explorer 4.7)


It is only in the Run-Time Engine section that some selections come up with C:\_TScope\Builds\Volume and TremorLab 430. 


Now, after recently removing LabVIEW and using MsiBlast and msicuu2 to do additional cleanup (there were many piece of NI left around) and re-installing, I am now getting a popup as shown in the attached indicating the NI is looking in the wrong places.  This pop-up did not appear before the latest re-install.


I will not bore you with all of the other things I have tried, but the same original LabVIEW has installed properly on a second computer and works flawlessly.  My feeling is that there are still things left over from older versions of LabVIEW that were on my main system  which have not be removed -- in spite of my best efforts -- and which are causing the problem.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 15

Hey rmtripp,

Were you running the installer which installs the LabVIEW Run Time Engine on a machine that created the installer?  This can create some issues with the Run Time Engine which I think you may be seeing.  I would think the uninstall you did would work but there may be some registry values that are being left around.  Would it be feasible to test rolling back your machine to before you ran the intaller?

Kevin Fort
Principal Software Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 15

I worked very dilligently and succeeded (apparently) with removing everything relating to National Instruments and LabVIEW from my computer.  This required doing a search on LV*.msi and then using every discovered item -- over 200 -- to try to install and then deleting the .msi itself.  With a thoroughly "clean" computer I re-installed LV2010 SP1 and the Report Generator Toolbox.


 Everything seems to work okay -- except for the Additional Installers in the Application Builder.  It has essentially the same problem, but with a twist.  It no longer changes the Installer source location when LV RTE 2010 is selected or sub-items enabled/disabled.  However,when OK is clicked, a message pops-up that the installers cannot be found.  The location for the LVRTE 2010 is listed as C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\Shared\ProductCache but if the LV RTE 2009 is selected instead, it is listed as C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\Shared\ProductCache\NI LabVIEW Run-TIme Engine 2009 [9.0.8]


Both RTEs are listed in the ProductCache sub-directory.  I am wondering if the copy of LV 2010 SP1 which I downloaded from the ASU Engineering site is defective?  Maybe I can get NI to let me download another copy from another site for testing. 

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 15

Hey rmtripp,

Have you tried installing the RTE from here: ?  After your installation you can also try to do a repair to see if that solves any of your issues.

Kevin Fort
Principal Software Engineer
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Message 10 of 15