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Micro-Nuggets !!! ~~~~ Post 'em if you got 'em

Probably a better way to do this, but I always set the front panel runtime postion to zero everytime I run my top level VI.

Message 231 of 361

@Robert_J_Loomis_III wrote:

Probably a better way to do this, but I always set the front panel runtime postion to zero everytime I run my top level VI.

You are using a deprecated property.  You really get the Front Panel reference to then get a reference to all of the panes (Panes[]) and then use a FOR loop to set all of the panes' origin to (0,0).

Also, wire up the error clusters to your property nodes.

There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines
"Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God" - 2 Corinthians 3:5
Message 232 of 361

Good point crossrulz, but his point is still a good one. When running from the development environment, some approach to acheive a centered GUI is a must. Other methods include sizing the screen to the largest decoration or content, easily done with the drop of a VI from Open G.... the VI's are


  • Fit VI window to
  • Fit VI window to Largest



Also try by kDy automation.



Message 233 of 361

Appreciate the feedback, thanks.

0 Kudos
Message 234 of 361

Gah!  Here's one that's been plaguing me for weeks until I had a real "aha" experience yesterday.


If you're going to use Occurrences, make sure they're valid before using the timeout function to stop a loop hogging CPU resources.


I had made the mistake of introducing a nice race condition in my code where I was initialising an Occurrence and writing it to a control (to allow VI Server access) and then using a local variable fo this control to pass the value into a loop timed via the timeout function of the occurrence.  Problem was that the local was read before the control was written and I fed an invalid reference to the occurrence function in the loop.  This ran as fast as possible (showing a timeout had occurred which was actually expected behaviour).  IT was consuming my CPU completely and of course in debugging mode everything seemed normal.  Only when in utter desperation had I performed an automatic "Block Diagram Cleanup" die I notice the race sondition.  Fixed it and bang, no more CPU hogs.  Given the absence of an error out, either make sure to always check for occurrence validity or use a different loop timer.......


Following loop will eat up the CPU but give little indication that there is a problem....





0 Kudos
Message 235 of 361

I would simply suggest not using occurences at all. I think they're only around for backward compatibility. You can get the same functionality using a notifier.

Try to take over the world!
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Message 236 of 361

Not if the occurrences are already implemented in lots of dependent legacy code....

0 Kudos
Message 237 of 361

@tst wrote:

I would simply suggest not using occurences at all. I think they're only around for backward compatibility. You can get the same functionality using a notifier.

I using occurrences for transferring notification from callback function, which is called in my DLL - this is really simplest way. Sure, this can be done also with notifier, but occurrences in this case much easier, because they are typeless - just call Occur function from DLL and it is. In case of notifcation I will need to code a little bit more code.

0 Kudos
Message 238 of 361

I couldn't find a modern discussion of how to get the screen coordinates of a control, especially if Panes are involved. The Panel  to Screen coordinates Method does not take into account the menu and toolbars. But using the reference to a control you can get the panel and pane references and do the needed transformations to get the correct screen coordinates of any front panel object. I've attached a utility VI to do this.




Creator of the BundleMagic plugin for LabVIEW!
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Message 239 of 361

I have to give credit to Darren for figuring this out with us at the CLA Summit.  Sorry I never thought about making a nugget.


Ever wanted to place multiple controls on the front panel at the same time (like error clusters)?  It turns out that you can.  While editing your Controls Palette, insert a custom control.  In the ensuing dialog, change the file type to "*.*".  Choose a VI.  VIs are defaulted to place VI contents when they are being put on the front panel.


So I took the next step and made my error cluster VI a quick drop shortcut as well ("ec").  So now when I create a new VI, the very first thing I do is Ctrl+Space, ec, and drop my two error clusters.  I then have to move them to where I want them, but at least I'm not placing two error clusters down at a time.


Just for fun, I just tried to use Select a Control from my palette and select a VI.  It doesn't work.  It apparently only works for items in the palette.

There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines
"Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God" - 2 Corinthians 3:5
Message 240 of 361