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Memory full error shared variable


we develope large Labview applications with large data sizes.


In one Application we get a "Memory Full Error" and the Application crashes.

But we don't know why.


We use a lot of shared Variables and a few of them are large data arrays.

A few Single Arrays with 300000 size (unbuffered) are read and written very often (every 100ms).


Can this be a problem for  memory full error?





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Message 1 of 6

Hi Hans,



which version of labview do you use, 64Bit or 32Bit, the problem is LabView 32Bit can only use max 3,5GB Ram on a 64Bit System and 64Bit LabView can use 16TB


Maybe you can take a look at the memory blocks used for LabView, you can drag and drop the png from the community example into a LabView VI.


I don't which datatype you write to array, maybe you can calculate the maximum memory size of your array functions so you can see how many memory you are using


Best Regards


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Message 2 of 6

Hi Dominik,

thanks for your reply.


This application uses Labview 32bit.


I've checked the example from your link to get the free available contignous memory.

Thanks for this. Maybe I can use this in my application to log the free memory to see what happened before "Memory full" occurs.


Mainly we read and write large single arrays (size: ~300000 Elements). Also with shared variables!


I've checked the shared variables access with the Buffer allocation profile tool from Labview and it seems that to write a shared variable makes no buffer allocation.

But maybe in the Shared Variable Engine? - Can this also cause a memory full error?


Normally the "Memory Full" error tells which VI has caused it, or? In my case not.




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Message 3 of 6

Hi Hans,


maybe this paper can give you an answer of all your questions.


Using the LabVIEW Shared Variable


Best Regards


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Message 4 of 6

Hi Dominik,

thanks, I've checked it and it's very useful.




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Message 5 of 6

Hi all,

I've found out that the "Search Variable Container" VI produces the memory leak.


Since I use this periodically in my program this is a problem for me.


This seems to be a problem of Labview 2013 SP1, or?



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Message 6 of 6