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Load generic vi from path without running it?

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Is there a way to load vi from path without running it and without using the Call By Reference or Start Asynchronous Call functions? I am parsing folders for VIs  then feeding an absolute path to the Open VI Reference instruction. However I can't find a way to just load the VI without running it.  There is a Run VI method in the Invoke Node but I don't see a "Load VI" method only the "Run VI" method. I cannot use a Call By Reference node because I do not know the VI's interface in advance. The help for the Open VI Reference function says "If you want to use the vi reference output of this function with the Call By Reference node or the Start Asynchronous Call node, you must wire a strictly typed VI reference to this input."


If I can load it, how do I then unload it when I am finished with it?


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Accepted by topic author EduNI

Found it.  Invoke Node -> Front Panel Open method. Smiley Mad

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