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Hi there, 


I have to designed a Labview program that reads pressure from pressure gauge of Edward device using RS 232. I designed a program, but this has some error. Now I'm wondering is there anyone who has designed  or is willing to design such program, if so let me know please? I will pay you if you wish to get credit for your work. 

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 11

The term "some error" is way too vague. Is there an error code? What have you tried to debug? How familiar are you with LabVIEW? How about serial ports? Do you have the instrument documentation? Did you study the examples?


Seems trivial. What does the program need to do? Just display pressure on the front panel? Log to disk?

Message 2 of 11



You need to provide a lot more details.

- What is the specific Edwards device?

- What are you using it for?

- What is the error? (Error code? Just not getting the output you're looking for? Have you narrowed down where the error occurs yet and looking to fix it?)


Also, show your code.


I don't think this is the place to offer people money for work (I could be wrong since I'm a newer member). They're grumpy enough towards people who want to / are learning.

I'm relatively new to LabVIEW myself but I've been working on a similar project recently so I may be able to give you some of the pointers they gave me.

Upgraded from intern to undergrad automation engineer. Attempting to explain to my employer why I need official training…. since I’m the groups only automation engineer.

I tried. I really did.
Message 3 of 11

There is a seperate forum where you can offer a job offer. Usually that are more actual jobs that an employer seeks to fill in, but it's definitely possible to also post offers for a specific project or software program. The difficulty with this is usually communication. Many users on this forum are professional LabVIEW developers that work with LabVIEW either for their employer or have a company where they do project work for customers.


A simple pressure reading app is however very trivial and the overhead of (email/phone) communication, remote work, negotiation and project management in such a work model is many times higher than the actual development work for such an app. This means that professional offers will likely be way higher than you would ever consider to want to pay for.


The other extreme are people coming here and more or less expecting us to do their (home) work. This is very much frowned upon and will certainly prompt some very grumpy responses. 😁


If you have any inclination to learn something about LabVIEW programming and are willing to spend your own time on it and do some real work, then this forum is generally fairly friendly. Show what you have done, and where you run into problems. Try to understand the advice you are getting and if it is still unclear, ask again with specific question. 


My program has some errors, is as unspecific as it can get. Posting a few pics of your diagram and hoping us to decipher on the screen what you have tried to do isn't to helpful either.


If you don't feel thrilled by the idea of spending a lot of time yourself with LabVIEW you can try to post in the Job Openings forum. I for one won't be able to respond to that as I am employed and not willing or allowed to compete with my employer for work. On the other hand our company has a size and organization that doesn't lend itself to do small project work of just a few days, respectively wouldn't be able to compete in price on that.


I'm also not usually writing programs for free for other people unless sometimes when it is a topic that I'm very much interested in. 😁

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
Message 4 of 11

This might help you write your own program...


VIWeek 2020/Proper way to communicate over serial

=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
Message 5 of 11

The task is trivial, but I am so new to labview and I have a short time to complete.  laview.PNGSo, I'm seeking some help.  If try to find examples but couldn't see. I have to design a program that takes data from  this device:

This is a simple task but I'm struggling . 

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 11

Unfortunately, you attached images instead of code (i.e. a vi). We cannot really debug pictures.


  • Why do you use bytes at port if you don't even use its output? Does the message have a termination character?
  • If the contents of the "write buffer" should be changeable, the terminal belongs inside the loop, else if will get read only once. If its value never changes, it should be a diagram constant, not a control.
  • What kind of errors are you getting?
  • Do you have a link to the manual?
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 11

Thanks for the reply. 


I have to measure pressure from The TIC Instrument Controller  (


When I run the program, visa serial keeps on blinking. In the previous attempt, I got next kind of error( I can't recall that error type) . Can you please help; I'm willing to learn more even though I have a short time to complete this task. labview 1.PNG

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11

This is the program that I have designed. 


This is the link of manual . Thanks a lot for your time and support. 

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 11

Thanks a lot for your suggestion. The program I designed is here. I'm relatively new to labview and have a short time to complete the task so I'm seeking some help.  But I'm willing to learn more. And yeah,  this community is the best place to learn. 

0 Kudos
Message 10 of 11